10C 15B 20B 20C 20D 20E 20F 103A 103B 166 184A 188
10C errors, problems: ebender@ucsd.edu
Problems sometimes added to online text after exam..
Exam Type |
Quarter |
Exam |
Answers |
4th week |
F 2004 |
8th week |
F 2004 |
final |
F 2004 |
15B errors, problems: ebender@ucsd.edu
Problems sometimes added to online text after exam..
Exam Type |
Quarter |
Exam |
Answers |
quizzes |
F 2001 |
quizzes |
F 2000 |
midterm |
F 2001 |
midterm |
F 2000 |
final |
F 2001 |
final |
F 2000 |
Nick Loehr's sample problems ps pdf
20B errors, problems: ebender@ucsd.edu
Exam Type |
Quarter |
Exam |
Answers |
quizzes |
F 2004 |
quizzes |
F 2003 |
4th week |
F 2004 |
4th week |
F 2003 |
4th week |
W 2001 |
4th week |
F 2000 |
8th week |
F 2004 |
8th week |
F 2003 |
9th week |
W 2001 |
7th week |
F 2000 |
final |
F 2004 |
final |
F 2003 |
final |
W 2001 |
final |
F 2000 |
20C errors, problems: ebender@ucsd.edu
Exam Type |
Quarter |
Exam |
Answers |
4th week A |
F 2002 |
4th week B |
F 2002 |
9th week A |
F 2002 |
9th week B |
F 2002 |
final |
F 2002 |
Math 20D (was 21D) errors, problems: ebender@ucsd.edu
Exam Type |
Quarter |
Exam |
Answers |
5th week |
S 2007 |
ps pdf | ps pdf |
4th week |
S 2004 |
4th week |
W 2000 |
4th week |
F 1999 |
9th week |
S 2004 |
8th week |
W 2000 |
8th week |
F 1999 |
final |
S 2007 |
ps pdf | |
final |
S 2004 |
final |
W 2000 |
final |
F 1999 |
Math 20E errors, problems: ebender@ucsd.edu
Exam Type |
Quarter |
Exam |
Answers |
4th week |
S 2004 |
9th week |
S 2004 |
final |
S 2004 |
Math 20F errors, problems: ebender@ucsd.edu
Exam Type |
Quarter |
Exam |
Answers |
4th week |
W 2005 |
4th week |
W 2003 |
4th week |
S 1995 |
9th week |
W 2005 |
9th week |
W 2003 |
8th week |
S 1995 |
final |
W 2005 |
missing |
missing |
final |
W 2003 |
final |
S 1995 |
missing |
Math 103A errors, problems: ebender@ucsd.edu
Exam Type |
Quarter |
Exam |
Answers |
5th week |
W 2007 |
5th week |
F 2005 |
ps pdf | ps pdf |
final |
W 2007 |
ps pdf | ps pdf |
final |
F 2005 |
Math 103B errors, problems: ebender@ucsd.edu
Exam Type |
Quarter |
Exam |
Answers |
5th week |
S 2007 |
4th week |
W 2006 |
9th week |
W 2006 |
final |
S 2007 |
ps pdf | ps pdf |
final |
W 2006 |
Math 166 errors, problems: ebender@ucsd.edu
Exam Type |
Quarter |
Exam |
Answers |
4th week |
S 2000 |
4th week |
S 1999 |
9th week |
S 2000 |
8th week |
S 1999 |
final |
S 2000 |
final |
S 1999 |
184A errors, problems: ebender@ucsd.edu
Course content and order vary somewhat from year to year.
Some exams may have missing figures that were hand-drawn.
Problems sometimes added to online text after exam.
Exam Type |
Quarter |
Exam |
Answers |
5th week |
W 2007 |
ps pdf | ps pdf |
4th week |
F 2005 |
4th week |
W 2005 |
4th week |
F 2003 |
4th week |
F 2002 |
4th week |
F 2001 |
4th week |
W 2001 |
4th week |
F 1999 |
4th week |
W 1999 |
4th week |
W 1998 |
9th week |
F 2005 |
9th week |
W 2005 |
9th week |
F 2003 |
9th week |
F 2002 |
8th week |
F 2001 |
8th week |
W 2001 |
9th week |
F 1999 |
9th week |
W 1999 |
9th week |
W 1998 |
final |
W 2007 |
ps pdf | ps pdf |
final |
F 2005 |
final |
W 2005 |
missing |
missing |
final |
F 2003 |
final |
F 2002 |
final |
F 2001 |
final |
W 2001 |
final |
F 1999 |
final |
W 1999 |
188 errors, problems: ebender@ucsd.edu
Course content varies somewhat from year to year.
Some exams may have missing figures that were hand-drawn.
Exam Type |
Quarter |
Exam |
Answers |
4th week |
S 2000 |
4th week |
S 1999 |
8th week |
S 2000 |
8th week |
S 1999 |
final |
S 2000 |
final |
S 1999 |