Co-organized with the Number Theory Group at UCSD,
with financial support from UCSD and the NSF (DMS-1303303)
Organizers: Cristian D. Popescu, Romyar Sharifi,
Manfred Kolster, Cristian D. Popescu, Romyar Sharifi,
"The Arithmetic of L-functions"
Organizers: Cristian D. Popescu, Karl Rubin, Alice Silverberg.
Co-organized with the Number Theory group at UCSD, with financial
support from the UCSD, the NSA and the NSF.
An informal seminar for faculty and gradute students - schedule.
Adebisi Agboola, UCSB; Cristian
Popescu, UCSD.
An informal seminar for graduate students and faculty.
main mathematical interests are in the fields of algebraic number
and arithmetic algebraic geometry, with a focus on special values of p-adic and global
My most recent
results and research
projects are joint with Cornelius Greither
(Münich) and have led to
the proof an Equivariant
Main Conjecture in Iwasawa Theory
(unconditionally, in char.
p>0 and
away from 2 and under the assumption that a certain Iwasawa
mu-invariant vanishes, in char. 0.)
By using
Iwasawa co-descent, we have been able to derive the following type of
results on special
values of global
- A proof of the Equivariant
Tamagawa Number Conjecture (ETNC) of
Bloch-Kato-Burns-Flach for Dirichlet motives (in full generality, in
char. p>0, and on the "minus side", in char.
- A proof of Rubin's integral
refinement and Gross's p-adic
refinement of the abelian Stark conjecture (in full generality, in
char. p and on the ''minus side'', in char. 0) ;
- A proof of a refinement of
the Brumer-Stark Conjecture (in full generality, in char. p and
away from 2, in char. 0);
- A proof of a refined version of the
étale cohomological
Coates-Sinnott Conjecture on special values of Dirichlet L-functions at
negative integers (in general, in char. p and away from 2, in char. 0);
- A construction of l-adic canonical
models for Tate
sequences (arising in the theory of multiplicative Galois module
structure and playing a central role in the statement of the ETNC for
Artin motives.)
In char. p, our Equivariant Main Conjecture (now, a theorem)
relates the Fitting ideal of an l-adic realization of a Picard
1-motive over a profinite group-ring to an equivariant l-adic
In char. 0, the role of the l-adic realizations of
1-motives is played by our newly constructed class of Iwasawa modules,
which are of finite projective dimension over the appropriate
profinite group-rings and behave well under Iwasawa co-descent. The
in char. 0 (now, a theorem, if a certain mu-invariant
links the Fitting ideals of these new Iwasawa modules to
the appropriate equivariant l-adic L-functions.
See my lecture at "The First Abel
Conference honoring John Tate" (IMA, Minneapolis,
January 2011) for a
detailed account of the above
Possible extensions of the above results and techniques to the study of
special values of L-functions of higher dimensional arithmetic schemes
(e.g. elliptic curves) are also under investigation.
2) In joint work with Grzegorz Banaszak (Poznan, Poland),
we have
began a systematic study of the Galois
module structure of Quillen's K-groups associated to
rings of algebraic integers, with the following
goals in mind:
- A proof of the K-theoretic
Coates-Sinnott conjecture on
special values of Dirichlet L-functions at negative integers;
- A systematic construction of Euler
systems (or Kolyvagin
systems à la Mazur and Rubin) in the Quillen K-groups of rings
algebraic integers;
- Using these Euler Systems to study the
structure of the
groups of divisible elements in the even K-theory of number fields.
(The structure of these groups is closely related
to various central open problems in algebraic
number theory,
such as the Kummer-Vandiver and Iwasawa conjectures on class-groups of
cyclotomic fields.
My research is currently funded through a Simons Foundation Grant.
papers and preprints
- On a Refined Stark
Conjecture for
Function Fields ( stark.pdf ); Compositio
Vol. 116 (1999), No.3 , pp. 321-367. See Featured Review .
- Gras-type Conjectures for Function
Fields ( gras.pdf ); Compositio
Vol. 118 (1999), No. 3, pp. 263-290. See Featured Review .
- Base Change for Stark-type
Conjectures "over Z" ( bc.pdf); Journal fur
die Reine und Angew. Mathematik, Vol. 542 (2002), pp 85-111.
the Simion Stoilow Prize of the Romanian Academy of Science , 2004)
- Stark's Question and a strong form of Brumer's Conjecture
( sq.pdf); Compositio Mathematica ,
Vol. 140 (2004), pp. 631-646.
- The Rubin-Stark Conjecture for imaginary abelian fields
of odd prime power conductor ( r-st2.pdf); Mathematische
Annalen Vol.. 330 (2004), No. 2, pp. 215-233.
- On the Rubin-Stark Conjecture for a special class of CM
extensions of totally real number fields (r-st1.pdf); Mathematische
Zeitschrift, Vol. 247 (2004), pp. 529-547.
- N-torsion of Brauer groups as relative
Brauer groups of abelian extensions (with J. Sonn and A.
Wadsworth) (brauer2.pdf); Journal
of Number Theory,Vol. 125 (2007), No. 1,
Pages 26-38
- The
Galois module structure of l-adic realizations of Picard 1-motives and
applications (with C. Greither)
(GP1.pdf); Intl. Math. Res. Notices, Volume 2012, Issue 5, pp. 986-1036.
- The
Stickelberger splitting map and Euler Systems in the K-theory of number
fields (with
G. Banaszak) (cg10.pdf); Jour.
of Number Theory (David Hayes Memorial Issue) Vol. 133 (2013), pp. 842-870.
- The refined Coates-Sinnott Conjecture for charactersitic p global fields (with J. Dodge) (Dodge-Popescu2.pdf) ; Journal of Number Theory, Volume 133, Issue 6 (2013).
- Hecke characters and the K-theory of totally real and CM number fields (with G. Banaszak) (Banaszak-Popescu-2); Journal of Number Theory, volume 133, issue 3(2013).
- Abstract l-adic 1-motives and Tate's canonical class for number fields (with C. Greither); Documenta Mathematica, No. 23 (2018), pp. 839-870.
- Hecke characters and the K-theory of totally real and CM number fields (with G. Banaszak), Acta Arithmetica, No. 188 (2019), pp. 125-169.
- Picard 1-motives and Tate sequences for function fields (with C. Greither), Jour. de Theorie des Nombres de Bordeaux, Tome 33, Fascicle 3 (2021), 21 pages.
- An equivariant Tamagawa number formula for Drinfeld modules and applications (with J. Ferrara, N. Green, Z. Higgins), to appear in Algebra & Number Theory (2022), 42 pages.
- An equivariant Tamagawa number formula for t-modules and applications (with N. Green), 27 pages. arXiv:2206.03541
- An unconditional equivariant main conjecture in Iwasawa theory and applications (with R. Gambheera), 47 pages. arXiv:2303.13603
- Geometric main conjectures in function fields (with W. Bley), to appear in Jour. fur die reine und angeandte Mathematik (Crelle), 33 pages, arxiv:2209.02440.
- Euler factors of equivariant L-functions of Drinfeld modules and beyond (with N. Ramachandran), to appear in European Math. Soc. Series on Congress Reports, 17 pages, arxiv:2409.13176.
Byungchul Cha, PhD 2003, Johns Hopkins U. (co-advised with V. Kolyvagin)
Caleb Emmons, PhD 2006, UCSD.
Barry Smith, PhD 2007, UCSD.
Daniel Vallières, PhD 2011, UCSD.
Joel Dodge, PhD 2011, UCSD.
Correy Stone, PhD 2016, UCSD
Robert Snellman, PhD 2017, UCSD.
Zachary Higgins, PhD 2021, UCSD.
Wei Yin, PhD 2024, UCSD.
Rusiru Ghambeera, PhD 2023, UCSD.
Nandagopal Ramchandran, PhD 2024, UCSD.
Xie Wu, PhD 2025 (expected), UCSD
Ramanujan Srihari, PhD 2027 (expected) UCSD
Nathan Wenger, PhD 2026 (expected) UCSD (co-advised with K.
Jason Colwell, SEW Assistant Professor (2004-2006), UCSD.
Nathan Green, SEW Assistant Professor (2018-2021), UCSD.
Joseph Ferrara, RTG Post-Doctoral Fellow (2018-2020), UCSD.
Kwun Chung, SEW Assistant Professor (2021-2024), UCSD.
Zachary Higgins, RTG Post-Doctoral Fellow (2021-2023), UCSD.
Winter 2024 Math 104B (Algebraic Number Theory II)
Fall 2023 Math 104A (Algebraic Number Theory I); Math 105 (Basic Number Theory)
Spring 2023 Math 104B (Algebraic Number Theory II)
Winter 2023 Math 104A (Algebraic Number Theory I); Math 105 (Basic Number Theory) Winter 2022 Math 104A (Algebraic Number Theory I); Math 100B (Abstract Algebra II).
Spring 2021 Math 104B (Algebraic Number Theory II); Math 205 (Topics in Number Theory).
Winter 2021 Math 104A (Algebraic Number Theory I); Math 105 (Basic Number Theory)
Winter 2020 Math 205 (Topics in Number Theory); Math 104B (Algebraic Number Theory II.)
Fall 2019 Math 104A (Algebraic Number Theory); Math 105 (Basic Number Theory).
Summer 2019 Math 105 (Basic Number Theory)
Spring 2019 Math 100C (Abstract Allgebra III.)
Winter 2019 Math 205 (Topics in Number Theory); Math 100B (Abstract Algebra II.)
Fall 2018 Math 100A (Abstract Algebra I)
Spring 2018 Math 204C (local and global class field theory); Math 103B (Modern Algebra II.)
Winter 2018 Math 204B (local fields); Math 103A (Modern Algebra I).
Spring 2017 Mah104C (Undergraduate Number Theory III.)
Winter 2017 Math 109 (Mathematical Reasoning); Math 104B (Undergraduate Number Theory II).
Fall 2016 Math 204A (Algebraic Number Theory I)
Summer 2016, I Number Theory (Math 104A)
Spring 2015 Math 104A (Number Theory); Math 109 (Mathematical Reasoning).
Winter 2015 Topics in Number Theory (Math 205) - Iwasawa Theory.
Spring 2014 Abstract Algebra III (Math 100C).
Fall 2013
Topics in Algebraic Number Theory (cohomology of number fields, Math
205); Mathematical reasoning (Math 109).
Spring 2013 Math 205 (Topics in Algebraic Number Theory); Math 104C (Undergraduate Number Theory).
Winter 2013 Mathematical reasoning (Math 109)
Spring 2012 Abstract Algebra (Math 100C); Topics in Analytic Number Theory - "Modularity II" (Math 204C.)
Winter 2012 Linear algebra (Math 102); Topics in Analytic Number Theory - "Modularity" (Math 204B.)
Spring 2011 Abstract Algebra (Math
100C); Topics in
Algebraic Number Theory (Math 201C.)
Winter 2011 Abstract Algebra (Math 100B); Modern Algebra (Math 103B).
Spring 2010 Abstract Algebra (Math
100C); Multivariable Calculus
(Math 20C).
Winter 2010 Topics in Number Theory (Math 201); Multivariable Calculus (Math 20C).
2009, II Number Theory (Math 104A)
Winter 2009 Topics in Number
Theory (Math 205); Abstract
Algebra (Math 100B).
2008 Abstract Algebra (Math 100A).
2008 Graduate Number Theory
(Math 204B); Undergraduate
Number Theory (Math
Fall 2007
Number Theory
(Math 104A)
2007 Topics in Algebraic
Number Theory (Math 205B) - Global Class Field Theory. (Local/global diagram.)
Fall 2006 Topics in Algebraic Number
Theory (Math 205A) - Local and Global Class Field Theory;
Calculus (Math 20C).
2006 Topics in Algebraic
Number Theory (Math 205) - LOCAL CLASS FIELD THEORY
2006 Graduate Algebra (Math 200B);
Introduction to Differential
Equations (Math 20D)
2005 Graduate
Algebra (Math 200A); Mathematical
Reasoning (Math 109)
2005 Number Theory (Math 104C)
Winter 2005 Number
Theory (Math 104B); Calculus
(Math 20C)
2004 Mathematical
Reasoning (Math 109)
Spring 2004 Mathematical Reasoning (Math 109)
2004 Linear Algebra (Math 20F)
Fall 2003 Introduction to Differential
Equations (Math 20D)
This page was last modified on March 31, 2014.
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