Melvin Leok

Professor of Mathematics
Co-Director, CSME Graduate Program
University of California, San Diego
Department of Mathematics
University of California, San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive, Dept. 0112
La Jolla, CA 92093-0112, USA.
APM 5763
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Chinese Name.


Research Opportunities


Research Interests

Selected Honors

Journal of Computational Dynamics Journal of Nonlinear 

Editorial Boards


Publications and Preprints (search the ArXiv, AMS MathSciNet) [ BibTeX ]

  1. Discrete Poincaré Lemma (with M. Desbrun, and J.E. Marsden), Appl. Numer. Math. 53 (2-4), 231-248, 2005.
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  2. A Lie Group Variational Integrator for the Attitude Dynamics of a Rigid Body with Applications to the 3D Pendulum (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Control Applications, 962-967, 2005.
    PDF | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX | AnimationChaotic Motion ]
  3. Controlled Lagrangians and Stabilization of the Discrete Cart-Pendulum System (with A.M. Bloch, J.E. Marsden, and D.V. Zenkov), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 6579-6584, 2005.
    PDF | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX ]
  4. Discrete Routh Reduction (with S.M. Jalnapurkar, J.E. Marsden, and M. West), J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39, 5521-5544 (Geometric Integration special issue, invited paper), 2006.
    PDF | arXiv:math.NA/0508330 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  5. Attitude Maneuvers of a Rigid Spacecraft in a Circular Orbit (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Proc. American Control Conf., 1742-1747, 2006.
    PDF | arXiv:math.OC/0509299 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX | AnimationFig2(a)Fig2(b)Fig2(c)Fig3(a) ]
  6. Polyhedral Potential and Lie Group Variational Integrator Computations for the Full Two Body Problem (with E. Fahnestock, T. Lee, N.H. McClamroch, D.J. Scheeres), Proc. AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conf., AIAA-2006-6289, 2006.
    PDF | arXiv:math.NA/0608695 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  7. Optimal Control of a Rigid Body using Geometrically Exact Computations on SE(3) (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 2710-2715, 2006.
    PDF | arXiv:math.OC/0602588 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX | AnimationFig1(a)Fig2(a)Fig3(a)Fig4(a) ]
  8. Deterministic Global Attitude Estimation (with T. Lee, A.K. Sanyal, and N.H. McClamroch), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 3174-3179, 2006.
    PDF | arXiv:math.OC/0602589 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX ]
  9. Controlled Lagrangians and Potential Shaping for Stabilization of Discrete Mechanical Systems (with A.M. Bloch, J.E. Marsden, and D.V. Zenkov), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 3333-3338, 2006.
    PDF | arXiv:math.OC/0602590 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX ]
  10. A Discrete Variational Integrator for Optimal Control Problems in SO(3) (with A.M. Bloch, I.I. Hussein, and A.K. Sanyal), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 6636-6641, 2006.
    PDF | arXiv:math.OC/0509536 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX ]
  11. Global Attitude Estimation using Single Direction Measurements (with T. Lee, N.H. McClamroch, and A.K. Sanyal), Proc. American Control Conf., 3659-3664, 2007.
    PDF | arXiv:math.OC/0609481 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX ]
  12. Optimal Attitude Control for a Rigid Body with Symmetry (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Proc. American Control Conf., 1073-1078, 2007.
    PDF | arXiv:math.OC/0609482 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX | AnimationFig2(a)Fig3(a)Fig4(a)Fig5(a) ]
  13. Lie Group Variational Integrators for the Full Body Problem, (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 196(29-30), 2907-2924, 2007.
    PDF | arXiv:math.NA/0508365 | Journal Link | BibTeX | AnimationFig4 ]
  14. Lie Group Variational Integrators for the Full Body Problem in Orbital Mechanics (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Celestial Mechanics and Dynamical Astronomy 98(2), 121-144, 2007.
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX | AnimationFig2 ]
  15. Propagation of Uncertainty Sets for Rigid Body Attitude Flows (with N.A. Chaturvedi, T. Lee, N.H. McClamroch, and A.K. Sanyal), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 2689-2694, 2007.
    PDF | arXiv:math.DS/0702737 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX ]
  16. A Combinatorial Optimal Control Problem for Spacecraft Formation Reconfiguration (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 5370-5375, 2007.
    PDF | arXiv:math.OC/0702738 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX | AnimationFig2 ]
  17. Global Optimal Attitude Estimation using Uncertainty Ellipsoids (with A.K. Sanyal, T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Systems and Control Letters, 57(3), 236-245, 2008.
    PDF | arXiv:math.OC/0606083 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  18. Time Optimal Attitude Control for a Rigid Body (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Proc. American Control Conf., 5210-5215, 2008.
    PDF | arXiv:0709.2514 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX | AnimationFig1(a)Fig2(a) ]
  19. Matching and stabilization of discrete mechanical systems (with A.M. Bloch, J.E. Marsden, and D.V. Zenkov), Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 7, 1030603-1030604, 2007.
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  20. Optimal Attitude Control of a Rigid Body using Geometrically Exact Computations on SO(3) (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 14(4), 465-487, 2008.
    PDF | arXiv:math.OC/0601424 | Journal Link | BibTeX | AnimationFig2(a)Fig3(a)Fig4(a)Fig5(a) ]
  21. Global Symplectic Uncertainty Propagation on SO(3) (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 61-66, 2008.
    PDF | arXiv:0803.1515 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX ]
  22. Discrete Control Systems (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), invited article for Springer Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science, 2002-2019, 2009.
    PDF | arXiv:0705.3868 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  23. Geometric Structure-Preserving Optimal Control of the Rigid Body (with A.M. Bloch, I.I. Hussein, and A.K. Sanyal), Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 15(3), 307-330, 2009.
    PDF | arXiv:0712.4400 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  24. Lagrangian Mechanics and Variational Integrators on Two-Spheres (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 79(9), 1147-1174, 2009.
    PDF | arXiv:0707.0022 | Journal Link | BibTeX | AnimationFig3.1Fig3.2Fig3.3Fig3.4Fig3.5Fig3.6Fig3.7 ]
  25. Computational Geometric Optimal Control of Rigid Bodies (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Brockett Legacy Special Issue, Communications in Information and Systems, 8(4), 445-472, 2008.
    PDF | arXiv:0805.0639 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  26. Dynamics of Connected Rigid Bodies in a Perfect Fluid (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Proc. American Control Conf., 408-413, 2009.
    PDF | arXiv:0809.1488 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX | AnimationFig1 ]
  27. Controlled Lagrangians and Stabilization of Discrete Mechanical Systems (with A.M. Bloch, J.E. Marsden, and D.V. Zenkov), Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 3(1), 19-36, 2010.
    PDF | arXiv:0704.3875 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  28. Nonlinear Dynamics of the 3D Pendulum (with N.A. Chaturvedi, T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Journal of Nonlinear Science, 21(1), 3-32, 2011.
    PDF | arXiv:0707.1196 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  29. Variational and Geometric Structures of Discrete Dirac Mechanics (with T. Ohsawa), Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 11(5), 529-562, 2011.
    PDF | arXiv:0810.0740 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  30. Dynamics of a 3D Elastic String Pendulum (with T. Lee and N.H. McClamroch), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 3347-3352, 2009.
    PDF | arXiv:0903.0332 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX | AnimationFig2 ]
  31. Computational Dynamics of a 3D Elastic String Pendulum Attached to a Rigid Body and an Inertially Fixed Reel Mechanism (with T. Lee, N.H. McClamroch), Nonlinear Dynamics, 64(1-2), 97-115, 2011.
    PDF | arXiv:0909.2083 | Journal Link | BibTeX | AnimationFig2(a)Fig3(a)Fig4(a) ]
  32. Computational Geometric Optimal Control of Connected Rigid Bodies in a Perfect Fluid (with T. Lee, N.H. McClamroch), Proc. American Control Conf., 5985-5990, 2010.
    PDF | arXiv:0909.3871 | BibTeX | AnimationFig2(a)Fig3(a) ]
  33. Discrete Hamilton-Jacobi Theory (with A.M. Bloch, T. Ohsawa), SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 49(4), 1829-1856, 2011.
    PDF | arXiv:0911.2258 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  34. Discrete Hamiltonian Variational Integrators (with J. Zhang), IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 31(4), 1497-1532, 2011.
    PDF | arXiv:1001.1408 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  35. Geometric Tracking Control of a Quadrotor UAV on SE(3) (with T. Lee, N.H. McClamroch), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 5420-5425, 2010.
    PDF | arXiv:1003.2005 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX ]
  36. Discrete Hamilton-Jacobi Theory and Discrete Optimal Control (with T. Ohsawa, A.M. Bloch), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 5438-5443, 2010.
    PDF | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX ]
  37. Stokes-Dirac Structures through Reduction of Infinite-Dimensional Dirac Structures (with J. Vankerschaver, H. Yoshimura, J.E. Marsden), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 6265-6270, 2010.
    PDF | arXiv:1010.2547 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX ]
  38. Discrete Dirac Structures and Implicit Discrete Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Systems (with T. Ohsawa), XVIII International Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics, 91-102, AIP Conference Proceedings 1260, 2010.
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  39. Geometric Numerical Integration of Complex Dynamics of Tethered Spacecraft (with T. Lee, N. H. McClamroch), Proc. American Control Conf., 1885-1891, 2011.
    PDF | arXiv:1010.1724 | BibTeX ]
  40. Nonlinear Robust Tracking Control of a Quadrotor UAV on SE(3) (with T. Lee, N. H. McClamroch), Asian Journal of Control, 15(3), 1-18, 2013,
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  41. Prolongation-Collocation Variational Integrators (with T. Shingel), IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 32(3), 1194-1216, 2012.
    PDF | arXiv:1101.1995 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  42. On the Geometry of Multi-Dirac Structures and Gerstenhaber Algebras (with J. Vankerschaver, H. Yoshimura), Journal of Geometry and Physics, 61(8), 1415-1425, 2011. 2011.
    PDF | arXiv:1102.2835 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  43. General Techniques for Constructing Variational Integrators (with T. Shingel), Frontiers of Mathematics in China (Special issue on computational mathematics, invited paper), 7(2), 273-303, 2012.
    PDF | arXiv:1102.2685 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  44. Stable Manifolds of Saddle Points for Pendulum Dynamics on S2 and SO(3) (with T. Lee, N.H. McClamroch), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 3915-3921, 2011.
    PDF | arXiv:1103.2822 | BibTeX ]
  45. Variational Integrators, invited article for Springer Encyclopedia of Applied and Computational Mathematics, 1519-1525, 2015.
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  46. The Hamilton-Pontryagin Principle and Multi-Dirac Structures for Classical Field Theories (with J. Vankerschaver, H. Yoshimura), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 53(7), 072903 (25 pages), 2012.
    PDF | arXiv:1207.2814 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  47. Nonlinear Robust Tracking Control of a Quadrotor UAV on SE(3) (with T. Lee, N.H. McClamroch), Proc. American Control Conf., 4649-4654, 2012.
    PDF | arXiv:1109.4457 | BibTeX ]
  48. Hamilton-Jacobi Theory for Degenerate Lagrangian Systems with Holonomic and Nonholonomic Constraints (with T. Ohsawa, D. Sosa), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 53(7), 072905 (29 pages), 2012.
    PDF | arXiv:1109.6056 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  49. Generating Functionals and Lagrangian PDEs (with C. Liao, J. Vankerschaver), Journal of Mathematical Physics, 54(8), 082901 (22 pages), 2013.
    PDF | arXiv:1111.0280 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  50. Dynamics and Control of a Chain Pendulum on a Cart (with T. Lee and N. H. McClamroch), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 2502-2508, 2012.
    PDF | arXiv:1211.4604 | BibTeX ]
  51. Hamel's Formalism and Variational Integrators on a Sphere (with A.M. Bloch, and D.V. Zenkov), Proc. IEEE Conf. on Decision and Control, 7504-7510, 2012.
    PDF | arXiv:1211.4607 | BibTeX ]
  52. High-Fidelity Numerical Simulation of Complex Dynamics of Tethered Spacecraft (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Acta Astronautica, 99, 215-230, 2014.
    PDF | arXiv | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  53. Dirac Structures and Hamilton-Jacobi Theory for Lagrangian Mechanics on Lie Algebroids (with D. Sosa), Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 4(4), 421-442, 2012.
    PDF | arXiv:1211.4561 | BibTeX ]
  54. A novel formulation of point vortex dynamics on the sphere: geometrical and numerical aspects (with J. Vankerschaver), Journal of Nonlinear Science, 24(1), 1-37, 2014.
    PDF | arXiv:1211.4560 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  55. Spectral Variational Integrators (with J. Hall), Numerische Mathematik, 130 (4), 681-740, 2015.
    PDF | arXiv:1211.4534 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  56. Symplectic Semiclassical Wave Packet Dynamics (with T. Ohsawa), Journal of Physica A, 46(40), 405201 (28 pages), 2013.
    PDF | arXiv:1302.1139 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  57. Coordinate-free Formulation for Dynamics and Control of a Chain Pendulum on a Cart (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), under revision, 2013.
    PDF | BibTeX ]
  58. Lie Group Spectral Variational Integrators (with J. Hall), Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 17(1), 199-257, 2017.
    PDF | arXiv:1402.3327 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  59. Geometric Representations of Whitney Forms and their Generalization to Minkowski Spacetime (with J. Salamon, and J. Moody), under revision, 2014.
    PDF | arXiv:1402.7109 | BibTeX ]
  60. Space-Time Finite-Element Exterior Calculus and Variational Discretizations of Gauge Field Theories (with J. Salamon, and J. Moody), Proc. Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems, 743-747, 2014.
    PDF | BibTeX ]
  61. A Novel Variational Formulation for Thermoelastic Problems (with Z. Ebrahimzadeh, and M. Mahzoon), Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 22 (1-3), 263-268, 2015.
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  62. Global Formulations of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics on Two-Spheres (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 6010-6015, 2015.
    PDF | arXiv:1503.02620 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX ]
  63. Global Formulations of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Dynamics on Embedded Manifolds (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Proc. IMA Conf. on Mathematics of Robotics, 2015.
    PDF | BibTeX ]
  64. Geometric formulations of Furuta pendulum control problems (with T. Lee, and N.H. McClamroch), Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace, 7(1), 69-81, 2016.
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  65. Spectral-Collocation Variational Integrators (with Y. Li, and B. Wu), Journal of Computational Physics, 332, 83-98, 2017.
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  66. Spectral variational integrators for semi-discrete Hamiltonian wave equations (with Y. Li, and B. Wu), Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 325, 56-73, 2017.
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  67. Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Taylor Variational Integrators (with J.M. Schmitt, and T. Shingel), BIT Numerical Mathematics, 58(2), 457-488, 2018.
    PDF | arXiv:1703.06599 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  68. Variational integrators for interconnected Lagrange-Dirac systems (with H. Parks), Journal of Nonlinear Science, 27(5), 1399-1434, 2017.
    PDF | arXiv:1603.01554 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  69. Interpolation on Symmetric Spaces via the Generalized Polar Decomposition (with E.S. Gawlik), Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 18(3), 757-788, 2018.
    PDF | arXiv:1605.06666 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  70. Iterative Computation of the Frechet Derivative of the Polar Decomposition (with E.S. Gawlik), SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 38(4), 1354-1379, 2017.
    PDF | arXiv:1608.04491 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  71. Embedding-Based Interpolation on the Special Orthogonal Group (with E.S. Gawlik), SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 40(2), A721-A746, 2018.
    PDF | arXiv:1608.05738 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  72. Properties of Hamiltonian Variational Integrators (with J.M. Schmitt), IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 38, 377-398, 2018.
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  73. Geometric Exponential Integrators (with X. Shen), Journal of Computational Physics, 382, 27-42, 2019.
    PDF | arXiv:1703.00929 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  74. Constructing Equivalence-Preserving Dirac Variational Integrators with Forces (with H. Parks), IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 39(4), 1706-1726, 2019.
    PDF | arXiv:1703.03045 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  75. Lie Group Variational Integrators for Rigid Body Dynamics using Quaternions (with X. Shen), under revision, 2019.
    PDF | arXiv:1705.04404 | BibTeX ]
  76. High-Order Retractions on Matrix Manifolds using Projected Polynomials (with E.S. Gawlik), SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 39(2), 801-828, 2018.
    PDF | arXiv:1705.05554 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  77. Connecting Information Geometry and Geometric Mechanics (with J. Zhang), Entropy (Special Issue on Information Geometry II), 19(10), 518 (31 pages), 2017.
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  78. Construction and comparison of multidimensional spectral variational integrators and spectral collocation methods (with Y. Li, and B. Wu), Applied Numerical Mathematics, 132, 35-50, 2018.
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  79. An Empirical Chaos Expansion Method for Uncertainty Quantification (with G. Wilkins), under revision, 2019.
    PDF | BibTeX ]
  80. Variational Discretizations of Gauge Field Theories using Group-equivariant Interpolation, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 19(5), 965-989, 2019.
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  81. Geometric Symmetry Reduction of the Unobservable Subspace for Kalman Filtering (with X. Shen), under revision, 2019.
    PDF | arXiv:1901.03474 | BibTeX ]
  82. Adaptive Hamiltonian Variational Integrators and Symplectic Accelerated Optimization (with V. Duruisseaux, J. Schmitt), SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 43(4), A2949-A2980 (32 pages), 2021.
    PDF | arXiv:1709.01975 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  83. A Variational Formulation of Accelerated Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds (with V. Duruisseaux), SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science, 4(2), 649-674, 2022.
    PDF | arXiv:2101.06552 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  84. Multisymplectic Hamiltonian Variational Integrators (with B. Tran), International Journal of Computer Mathematics (Special Issue on Geometric Numerical Integration, Twenty-Five Years Later), 99(1), 113-157, 2022.
    PDF | arXiv:2101.07536 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  85. Variational Structures in Cochain Projection Based Variational Discretizations of Lagrangian PDEs (with B. Tran), Journal of Nonlinear Science, under revision, 2023.
    PDF | arXiv:2103.09338 | BibTeX ]
  86. Accelerated Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds via Discrete Constrained Variational Integrators (with V. Duruisseaux), Journal of Nonlinear Science, 32:42 (34 pages), 2022.
    PDF | arXiv:2104.07176 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  87. Variational Symplectic Accelerated Optimization on Lie Groups (with T. Lee and M. Tao), Proc. IEEE Conf. Decision and Control, 233-240, 2021.
    PDF | arXiv:2103.14166 | IEEE Xplore | BibTeX ]
  88. Nearly-periodic maps and geometric integration of noncanonical Hamiltonian systems (with J. W. Burby, E. Hirvijoki), Journal of Nonlinear Science, 33:38 (43 pages), 2023.
    PDF | arXiv:2112.08527 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  89. Accelerated Optimization on Riemannian Manifolds via Projected Variational Integrators (with V. Duruisseaux), under revision, 2022.
    PDF | arXiv:2201.02904 | BibTeX ]
  90. Time-adaptive Lagrangian Variational Integrators for Accelerated Optimization on Manifolds (with V. Duruisseaux), Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 15(1), 224-255, 2023.
    PDF | arXiv:2201.03774 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  91. High-order symplectic Lie group methods on SO(n) using the polar decomposition (with X. Shen and K. Tran), Journal of Computational Dynamics, 9(4), 529-551, 2022.
    PDF | arXiv:2201.10768 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  92. Discrete Dirac reduction of implicit Lagrangian systems with abelian symmetry groups (with A. Rodriguez Abella), Journal of Geometric Mechanics, 15(1), 319-356, 2023.
    PDF | arXiv:2202.00803 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  93. Safe control synthesis with uncertain dynamics and constraints (with K. Long, V. Dhiman, J. Cortes, N. Atanasov), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 7(3), 7295-7302, 2022.
    PDF | arXiv:2202.09557 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  94. Geometric Methods for Adjoint Systems (with Brian Tran), Journal of Nonlinear Science, 34:25 (75 pages), 2024.
    PDF | arXiv:2205.02901 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  95. Practical Perspectives on Symplectic Accelerated Optimization (with V. Duruisseaux), Optimization Methods and Software, published online, 39 pages, 2023.
    PDF | arXiv:2207.11460 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  96. Lie Group Forced Variational Integrator Networks for Learning and Control of Robot Systems (with V. Duruisseaux, T. Duong, N. Atanasov), Proc. Annual Learning for Dynamics and Control Conference, PMLR 211:731-744, 2023.
    PDF | arXiv:2211.16006 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  97. Simplifying Momentum-based Positive-definite Submanifold Optimization with Applications to Deep Learning (with W. Lin, V. Duruisseaux, F. Nielsen, M.E. Khan, M. Schmidt), Proc. International Conference for Machine Learning, PMLR 202:21026-21050, 2023, 2023.
    PDF | arXiv:2302.09738 | Journal Link | BibTeX ]
  98. Safe Stabilizing Control for Polygonal Robots in Dynamic Elliptical Environments (with K. Long, K. Tran, N. Atanasov), American Control Conference, submitted, 2023.
    PDF | arXiv:2310.00273 | BibTeX ]
  99. Lie Group Variational Collision Integrators for a Class of Hybrid Systems (with K. Tran), SIAM Applied Dynamical Systems, submitted, 2023.
    PDF | arXiv:2310.15356 | BibTeX ]
  100. Type II Hamiltonian Lie group variational integrators with applications to geometric adjoint sensitivity analysis (with B. Tran), under revision.
    PDF | arXiv:2311.03527 | BibTeX ]
  101. On properties of adjoint systems for evolutionary PDEs (with B.K. Tran, B.S. Southworth), Journal of Nonlinear Science, accepted, 2024.
    PDF | arXiv:2404.02320 | BibTeX ]
  102. Generalized Galerkin Variational Integrators, preprint, 2004.
    PDF | arXiv:math.NA/0508360 | BibTeX ]
  103. A Discrete Theory of Connections on Principal Bundles (with J.E. Marsden, and A.D. Weinstein), preprint, 2004.
    PDF | arXiv:math.DG/0508338 | BibTeX ]
  104. Discrete Exterior Calculus (with M. Desbrun, A.N. Hirani, and J.E. Marsden), preprint, 2003.
    PDF | arXiv:math.DG/0508341 | BibTeX ]
  105. Estimating the Attractor Dimension of the Equatorial Weather System, Acta Phys. Pol. A 85, S27-S35, 1994.
    PDF | Journal Link | BibTeX ]

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  1. Erdös, P.; Graham, R. L.; Montgomery, P.; Rothschild, B. L.; Spencer, J.; Straus, E. G.; Euclidean Ramsey theorems. I., J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A, 14 (1973), 341-363.
  2. Golubitsky, M. A.; Rothschild, B. L.; Primitive subalgebras of exceptional Lie algebras. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 77 1971 983-986.
  3. Golubitsky, M. A.; Marsden, J. E.; The Morse lemma in infinite dimensions via singularity theory. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 14 (1983), no. 6, 1037-1044.
  4. Desbrun, M.; Leok, M.; Marsden, J. E.; Discrete Poincaré Lemma, Appl. Numer. Math. 53(2-4), 231-248, 2005.

Biographical Sketch

Melvin Leok is a professor of mathematics at the University of California, San Diego. His research focuses on computational geometric mechanics, computational geometric control theory, discrete geometry, and structure-preserving numerical schemes, and particularly how these subjects relate to systems with symmetry. He received his Ph.D. in 2004 from the California Institute of Technology in Control and Dynamical Systems under the direction of Jerrold Marsden. He is a Simons Fellow in Mathematics, a three-time NAS Kavli Frontiers of Science Fellow, and has received the NSF Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) award, the SciCADE New Talent Prize, the SIAM Student Paper Prize, and the Leslie Fox Prize (second prize) in Numerical Analysis. He has given plenary talks at Foundations of Computational Mathematics, NUMDIFF, and the IFAC Workshop on Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control. He serves on the editorial or advisory boards of the Journal of Nonlinear Science, the International Journal of Computer Mathematics, the Journal of Geometric Mechanics, and the Journal of Computational Dynamics, and has served on the editorial boards of the SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, and the LMS Journal of Computation and Mathematics.

SciCADE New Talent Prize SIAM Student Paper Prize Leslie Fox Prize
SciCADE New Talent Award SIAM Student Paper Prize Leslie Fox Prize

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