Lutz Warnke

Lutz Warnke

Publications | Google Scholar | Teaching | Supervision | Organization | Talks | Contact

I am an Associate Professor of Mathematics at UC San Diego. I am particularly interested in random graphs and processes, phase transitions, and combinatorial probability (as well as applications thereof to extremal combinatorics, Ramsey theory, and related areas). I am looking for highly motivated PhD students and postdocs.

I completed my PhD at the University of Oxford in 2012 under the supervision of Oliver Riordan. Afterwards I was a elected junior research fellow at Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge. I subsequently received tenure at Georgia Institute of Technology.

I received in 2014 the Richard-Rado-Prize (German Mathematical Society), in 2016 the Dénes König Prize (SIAM), in 2018 a Sloan Research Fellowship, and in 2020 a NSF CAREER award.

I co-organize the Combinatorics Seminar at UC San Diego. If you would like to give a talk, please send me an email.

Selected papers:

Online video lectures:


Supervision: PhD Students, Postdocs and Undergraduate Students



I received the Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Class of 1934 Award in 2020, and the Class of 1940 Course Survey Effectiveness Award in 2018; I also was a Class of 1969 Teaching Fellow in 2018-2019.


Contact details