Material I've Provided
On Line for Various Courses
- Help with reading mathematics and with
- 20B Stewart's "Calculus --- Early Transcendentals"
(4th edition)
- 6.2: Problem 59: Another Way to Slice the Torus
ps pdf
- 7: A Definite Integral Whose Indefinite Form Cannot
be Done ps pdf
- 7.4: An Easier Method for Finding Some Partial Fractions
ps pdf
- 7.4: Integrating Powers of Quadratics: A Lack in the
Text ps pdf
- 7.7: Using the Form of the Error Term to Estimate Accuracy
ps pdf
- 7.7: Deriving the Trapezoidal Rule Error
ps pdf
- 7.8: Improper Integrals of Rational Functions
ps pdf
- 9.2: Improving on Euler's Method (predictor-corrector)
ps pdf
- Appendix G: More, including techniques of integration
(about 11 pages) ps pdf
(There is a longer version revised by Prof. Helton that is used in 20B.)
- 20F Leon's "Linear Algebra with Applications"
- Ch. 2: A proof of Theorem 2.1.1 ps
- 87 Modules for my part
of a Freshman Seminar related to sports
- 166 Notes on Sipser's text
(1st edition, 2nd printing)
- 188 Notes on Neapolitan
& Naimipour text