Math 105 (Basic Number Theory)
Contact information
- Instructor: Aaron Pollack;
- TA: Finley McGlade
Office hours
- Pollack: Thursdays 11am-1pm
- McGlade: Fridays 2pm-4pm
Lecture Topics
Recorded lectures can be found on Canvas
Monday 3 January: Introduction to course (Chapter 1.1, 1.2) Lecture 1
Wednesday 5 Janurary: Introduction to course; the Euclidean algorithm (Chapter 2.1) Lecture 2
Friday 7 Janurary: Euclidean algorithm and gcds(Chapter 2.1) Lecture 3
Monday 10 Janurary: Gcds and unique factorization (Chapter 2.1, Chapter 2.2) Lecture 4
Wednesday 12 Janurary: Applications of unique factorization; multiplicative functions (Chapter 2.3, 2.4) Lecture 5
Friday 14 Janurary: Multiplicative functions; linear diophantine equations (Chapter 2.4, 2.5) Lecture 6
Monday 17 Janurary: No lecture (MLK day)
Wednesday 19 Janurary: linear diophantine equations, congruences (Chapter 2.5, 3.1, 3.2) Lecture 7
Friday 21 Janurary: congruences (Chapter 3.2) Lecture 8
Monday 24 Janurary: congruences; linear congruence equations (Chapter 3.2, 3.3) Lecture 9
Wednesday 26 Janurary: linear congruence equations (Chapter 3.3) Lecture 10
Friday 28 Janurary: No lecture (Exam 1)
Monday 31 Janurary: Reduced residue systems and Euler's totient function (Chapter 3.4) Lecture 11
Wednesday 2 February: More on Euler's totient function and polynomial congruences (Chapter 3.5, 3.6) Lecture 12
Friday 4 February: polynomial congruences (Chapter 3.6) Lecture 13
Monday 7 February: polynomial congruences and primitive roots (Chapter 3.6, 3.7) Lecture 14
Wednesday 9 February: primitive roots (Chapter 3.7) Lecture 15
Friday 11 February: primitive roots, Diophantine equations (Chapter 3.7, 5.1) Lecture 16
Monday 14 February: Diophantine equations via congruences; Pythagorean triples (Chapter 5.2, 5.3) Lecture 17
Wednesday 16 February: The technique we applied to Pythagorean triples (Chapter 5.3) Lecture 18
Friday 18 February: Techniques for Diophantine equations (Chapter 5.3) Lecture 19
Monday 21 February: No lecture (Presidents Day)
Wednesday 23 February: Fermat's method of descent (and ascent) (Chapter 5.4) Lecture 20
Friday 25 February: No lecture (Exam 2)
Monday 28 February: The decimal expansion of rational numbers (Chapter 6.1) Lecture 21
Wednesday 2 March: Irrational and transcendental numbers (Chapter 6.2, 6.3) Lecture 22
Friday 4 March: transcendental numbers, magic squares, the uniform step method (Chapter 6.3, 4.1) Lecture 23
Monday 7 March: the uniform step method, filled squares (Chapter 4.1, 4.2) Lecture 24
Wednesday 9 March: magic rows and columns (Chapter 4.2) Lecture 25
Friday 11 March: Sums of two squares Lecture 26
Homework Assignments
Homework is due by 10:00pm Pacific time on Gradescope on the days listed below