Numbers, equations, and proofs

Spring 2010

Tu-Thu 11:00 AM--12:20 PM (Fine 601)
Office Hour: T 5--7 PM (510 Fine)


  • I. Niven, H. S. Zuckerman, H. L. Montgomery, An introduction to the theory of numbers.
  • W. J. LeVeque, Fundamentals of number theory. (With more historical remarks.)
  • K. Ireland, M. Rosen, A classical introduction to modern number theory.


This is a tentative schedule for the course. If necessary, I might change it.

  • 2 Feb -- 4 Feb:
    Introduction, Mathematical induction, Well-ordering principle, Division algorithm, Primes and Unique factorization.
    Read: 1.2,1.3
  • 9 Feb -- 11 Feb:
    Euclid's algorithm, and Units and primes in a "System of numbers", and Euler's ϕ function: Euler's theorem and Fermat's ``little'' theorem. and modular arithmetic.
    Read: 1.2 and 1.3 again, 2.1
  • 16 Feb -- 18 Feb:
    Mod m numbers. Chinese Remainder Theorem, Number theory and public-key cryptography: the RSA algorithm.
    Read: 2.2, 2.3, 2.5
  • 23 Feb -- 25 Feb:
    Solutions of polynomials modulo prime powers, Hensel's lemma.
    Read: 2.6, 2.7
  • 2 Mar -- 4 Mar:
    Multiplicative order, Primitive roots, Quadratic residue.
    Read: 2.8, 3.1
  • 9 Mar -- 11 Mar:
    Quadratic reciprocity, Midterm.
    Read: 3.2
  • 23 Mar -- 25 Mar:
    Great integer function, Arithmetic functions, Convolution, and Möbius inversion.
    Read: 4.1, 4.2, 4.3
  • 30 Mar- 1 Apr:
    Geometry of numbers, Sum of two squares.
    Read: 6.4
  • 6 Apr -- 8 Apr:
    Cyclotomic polynomials and its relation with primitive elements mod p, Beatty sequence and its generalization, Continued fractions.
    Read: 7.1, 7.2
  • 13 Apr -- 15 Apr:
    Continued fractions (continued).
    Read: 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6
  • 20 Apr -- 22 Apr:
    Continued fractions (continued). Solutions to Pell's equation.
    Read: 7.6, 7.7, 7.8
  • 27 Apr -- 29 Apr:
    Quadratic fields, Failure of unique factorization.
    Read: 9.5, 9.6, 9.7

More information.

Here are more information on the course, including the name and the e-mail address of the grader. pdf


  • Due Feb. 11:
    • Section 1.2: problems 47, 49, 51, 54;
    • Section 1.3: problems 23, 36, 39;
  • Due Feb. 18:
    • Section 2.1: problems 10, 14, 20, 28.
    • Find all the Pythagorean triples, i.e. all triples of natural numbers (a,b,c) such that a2+b2=c2. Hint:
      • Use lines passing through (0,1) with rational slope.
      • Rational points on the circle x2+y2=1.
      • Use extra parameters, and give formulas for a, b, and c in terms of those extra parameters, e.g. one can write all the integer solutions of 3a+2b=1 as a=2t+1 and b=-3t-1, where t can be any integer number (convince yourself why?)
    • How do you define a "prime" element in a "System of numbers"? (Any reasonable definition is fine as long as it passes the test for integers up to sign!) For which m's Z/mZ has only one prime element?
      • Show that if p is prime and x2-1=0 in Z/pZ, then x is either 1 or -1. Is it true in Z/mZ where m is not prime?
      • (Wilson's theorem) Show that (p-1)!=-1(mod p) if p is prime. Hint: Group any number from 1,..., p-1 with its inverse modulo p.
  • Due Feb. 25:
    • Section 2.1: problems 29, 30, 36, 49.
    • Section 2.3: problems 3, 7, 9, 13, 18, 21, 37, 41, 47.
  • Due Mar. 4:
    • Section 2.5: Problems 3, 4, 5.
    • Section 2.6: Problems 2, 7.
    • Section 2.7: Problem 10.
    • Show that there is no positive integer n for which 2n + 1 is divisible by 7.
    • Let n>3 be an odd number. Show that there is p a prime number such that
      • p | 2ϕ(n)-1,
      • p does not divide n.
      (Hint: Take a look at: Probem 35, section 2.3, Problem 49, section 1.2, and Problem 43, section 1.3.)
  • Due Mar. 11:
    • Section 2.7: Problem 12.
    • Section 2.8: Problems 20, 24, 29.
      • Let p be a prime number and k a positive integer. Show that Σi∈ Z/pZ ik is divisible by p if k is not divisilble by p-1 and it is congruent to -1 mod p if k is divisible by p-1. (Hint: Use existence of primitive elements mod p.)
      • Let f be a polynomial in (Z/pZ)[x]. If degree of f is at most p-2, then p divides Σi∈ Z/pZ f(i)
      • Let f be a polynomial in (Z/pZ)[x1,...,xn] whose degree is less than n. If x1i1...xnin is a monomial of f(x)p-1, then at least one of the ij's is less than p-1.
      • 1-f(x)p-1 is either 0 or 1 mod p. It is zero if x is not a solution of f≡0 mod p and it is 1 otherwise.
      • Let f be a polynomial in (Z/pZ)[x1,...,xn]. Show that if degree of f is less than n, then p divides|Vf(Z/pZ)|, where
                           Vf(Z/pZ):={a=(a1,...,an)∈ (Z/pZ)n| f(a)≡ 0 (mod p)}.
    • Determine all integers n>1 such that (2n+1)/n2 is an integer.
  • Due Mar. 25: No problem set.
  • Due Apr. 1:
    • Section 3.1, Problems 20, 21, 23.
    • Section 3.2, Problems 15, 19, 20, 21, 24.
    • Show that sum of quadratic residues mod p is divisible by p if p is an odd prime larger than 3.
    • The last problem in the midtrem.
  • Due Apr. 8: No problem set.
  • Due Apr. 15
    • Section 4.2, Problems 5, 10, 16, 19, 25.
    • Section 4.3, Problems 15, 23, 25, 26, 28, 29.
    • Section 7.1, Problem 3.
    • Section 7.3, Problem 3.
    • Section 7.4, Problem 1.
    • a) Let p be prime larger than 3. For some integer x, p divides x2+x+1 if and only if p is of the form 3k+1.
      b) Show that x2+xy+y2=1 is an ellipse. Its axis are lines y=x and y=-x, and find its area. (Hint: Rotate by angle 45 degree. So x=(X+Y)/Sqrt(2) and y=(Y-X)/Sqrt(2), and rewrite the equation.)
      c) If p is a prime of the form 3k+1, then there are integers x and y such that p=x2+xy+y2. (Hint: Use parts a, b, and Minkowski's convex body.)
  • Due Apr. 22 No problem set.
  • Due Apr. 29
    • Section 7.4, Problem 6.
    • Section 7.5, Problem 3.
    • Section 7.6, Problems 3, 4.
    • Section 7.7, Problems 2, 3.
    • Section 7.8, Problem 5.
    • Is there a function f from Q the set of rational numbers to {A,B} a set with two elements such that:
      • f(1/x)≠f(x) for any non-zero x.
      • f(-x)≠ f(x) for any non-zero x.
      • f(1-x)≠ f(x) for any x.
      Can this map be extended to the real numbers?
    • Let ξ=(m+D )/q and ξ'=(m-D )/q. If ξ has the following purely periodic simple continued fraction [a_0,...,a_n], then


  • The midterm consists of two separate parts.
    • Theorems and problems from the weekly problem sets (2/3 of the full grade). For this part, you are not allowed to use any book, your notebook, internet, etc.
    • New problems (1/3 of the full grade+10 bouns points). For this part, you are allowed to look at your book, notebook, or weekly problems; but not any other book, internet, etc.
  • For each part, you will have 6 hours.
  • You have to hand me your exams by Tuesday, Mar 23, 11:05 am.
  • Here is a pdf version of the first part of the final exam (on theorems and problem sets).
  • Here is a pdf version of the second part of the final exam (new problems).


  • Similar to the midterm, final consists of two separate parts.
    • Theorems and problems from the weekly problem sets (60 points). For this part, you are not allowed to use any book, your notebook, internet, etc.
    • New problems (50+10 bonus points). For this part, you are allowed to look at your book, notebook, or weekly problems; but not any other book, internet, etc.
  • For the first part, you have 3 and half hours and, for the second part, you have 8 hours.
  • You have to hand me your exams by Friday, May 14, 5:00 pm.
  • Here is a pdf version of the first part of the final exam (on theorems and problem sets).
  • Here is a pdf version of the second part of the final exam (new problems).