UC San Diego
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100A Autumn 2023

Instructor: James McKernan
Office: APM 6260, Tel. (858) 534-6347
Email: jmckernan [at] math . ucsd . edu
Lectures: TH 12:30-1:50, WLH 2205
Office hours: T 2:30-4:30
Teaching Assistant: Felipe Castellano-Macias
Email: fcastellanomacias [at] ucsd . edu
Office hours: W 1-3
Teaching Assistant: Jacob Keller
Email: jjkeller [at] ucsd . edu
Office hours: W 11-1


First course in a rigorous three-quarter introduction to the methods
and basic structures of higher algebra. Topics include: groups,
subgroups and factor groups, homomorphisms, rings, fields.
(Students may not receive credit for both Math 100A and Math 103A.)

Prerequisites: Math 31CH or Math 109 or consent of instructor

Text Book: Abstract Algebra, by I. N. Herstein

Model answers to the first midterm
Model answers to the second midterm
Model answers to the final


[11.21.2023]  Final Exam is in the same room as the lectures.

[12.06.2023]  Extra OH on Tuesday 2:30-4:30