Contact Information

I am no longer at UC San Diego; I can currently be reached at

Department of Mathematics
UC San Diego
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0112, USA

Gwen McKinley

About Me

I was a postdoc in the Mathematics Department at UC San Diego from 2020-2023, mentored by Jacques Verstraete, and supported by a President's Postdoctoral Fellowship. I graduated from MIT in 2020, where my advisor was Henry Cohn. My research interests are mostly in extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, particularly random graphs and hypergraphs, extremal graph theory, graph limits, and graph coloring. But I am always interested in learning about new areas and new problems, and meeting new people to work with! You can find my contact information at the top of the page.

My research papers and slides from some of my recent talks can be found here. Here is a copy of my CV (last updated Fall 2022).

While at MIT, I was a Graduate Resident Advisor (GRA) for two years in Burton-Conner House. I also served for two summers as the program director of √mathroots at MIT, a residential summer program in mathematical problem solving for high school students from underrepresented backgrounds. For some of my other non-mathematical interests, see the fun stuff section.