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Follow this link to log into WebWork:   (opens in new window)

The WebWork course for this class is called  math20c-Bowers-fa14

All assignments are due at 5:00 A.M. to avoid heavy server traffic. Solutions to homework assignments will be made available in WebWork after the 5:00 A.M. deadline on the specified due date. (Not all problems have a solution.) Some errors may result from randomness. If you encounter an error with WebWork, report it in Piazza.

Account setup and logging in

  • WeBWorK will be made available on the first day of classes.
  • If you just enrolled in the class, it might take some time for you to be placed into the WeBWorK course. This is an automated process. If you have access to Ted, but not to WeBWorK, contact your instructor.
  • Your username for WeBWorK is the first part of your UCSD e-mail address, before the @ symbol.
  • Your password is your UCSD campus Active Directory password (also known as your "ACMS student account" password). This is the same password you use to access things like your UCSD email account.
  • When using Wi-Fi on campus, please use the encrypted networks UCSD-PROTECTED or RESNET-(dormname)-E (with "-E" on the end). E.g., use RESNET-FLEET-E, not RESNET-FLEET. Other options on-campus include wired connections, ACMS Computer Labs, and installing UCSD's VPN software on your computer. Due to campus network security restrictions, some pictures and PDFs on WeBWorK may be blocked on the UCSD guest networks (UCSD-GUEST, RESNET-(dormname) without "-E").

Using WeBWorK

  • On the main screen, click on a problem set, e.g., "20C_1_3" (for Section 1.3), "20C_2_1" (for Section 2.1), etc., to start it. Or select the button next to it and click on "Download PDF ..." to print it out. Be sure to do the problem sets for all sections due each week.
  • Be sure to use the "Preview Button" to see exactly how your entry looks. E.g., to tell the difference between 1+2/3+4 and [1+2]/[3+4], click the "Preview Button". After you are satisfied with how your answer looks, click the "Submit Answers" button.
  • Many questions allow you to give answers in terms of functions (with numbers plugged in). See the list of Functions available in WeBWorK. E.g., the length of the vector <1,2> may be entered as sqrt(5). Or, you may evaluate it on a calculator, as long as you give enough significant digits (usually at least 4).
  • There is no time limit on individual problems, but all problems must be completed by the deadline.
    (See the Homework page for due dates.)
  • You can skip whole problems and return to them later. If a problem has multiple parts, you should complete all parts before submitting that problem.
  • If you are inactive for too long, the system may automatically log you out; just login again to continue. This is a website security feature, not a time limit on answering the problems for credit.
  • Most of the time, each student will have a different version of each question.

WeBWorK syntax

The following is a list of accepted WebWork functions.   (This list is taken from the MAA List of Available Functions.)

Mathematical Symbols Available In WeBWorK

+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication can also be indicated by a space or juxtaposition, e.g. 2x, 2 x or 2*x, also 2(3+4).
/ Division
^ or **       You can use either ^ or ** for exponentiation, e.g. 3^2 or 3**2
( and ) You can also use square brackets, [ ], and braces, { }, for grouping, e.g. [1+2]/[3(4+5)]

WeBWorK is case sensitive. Do NOT write "X" when you really intend "x".

Syntax for entering expressions

  • Be careful entering expressions just as you would be careful entering expressions in a calculator.
  • Sometimes using the * symbol to indicate multiplication makes things easier to read. For example (1+2)*(3+4) and (1+2)(3+4) are both valid. So are 3*4 and 3 4 (3 space 4, not 34) but using a * makes things more clear.
  • Use ('s and )'s to make your meaning clear. You can also use ['s and ]'s and {'s and }'s.
  • Don't enter 2/4+5 (which is 5.5) when you really want 2/(4+5) (which is 2/9).
  • Don't enter 2/3*4 (which is 8/3) when you really want 2/(3*4) (which is 2/12).
  • Entering big quotients with square brackets, e.g. [1+2+3+4]/[5+6+7+8], is a good practice.
  • Be careful when entering functions. It's always good practice to use parentheses when entering functions. Write sin(t) instead of sint or sin t. But WeBWorK is smart enough to accept sin t or even sint. But sin 2t is really sin(2)t, i.e. (sin(2))*t. Be careful.
  • Do NOT use the notation sin^-1(x), tan^-1(x), etc. for inverse trig functions -- WeBWorK does not understand it. Use the alternative notation arcsin(x), arctan(x), etc., or the shorter forms of this: asin(x), atan(x), etc. See the list below of function notations understood by WeBWorK.
  • Understand that sin^2t is really shorthand for (sin(t))^2 and must be entered this way. Actually you could enter it as sin(t)^2 or even sint^2, but don't try such things unless you really understand the precedence of operations. For example 2+3sin^2(4x) is wrong. You need to enter something like: 2+3(sin(4x))^2 or 2+3sin(4x)^2. Why does the last expression work? Because things in parentheses are always done first [ i.e. (4x)], next all functions, such as sin, are evaluated [giving sin(4x)], next all exponents are taken [giving sin(4x)^2], next all multiplications and divisions are performed [giving 3sin(4x)^2], and finally all additions and subtractions are performed [giving 2+3sin(4x)^2].
  • The complete rules for the precedence of operations, in addition to the above, are
    • Multiplications and divisions are performed left to right: 2/3*4 = (2/3)*4 = 8/3.
    • Additions and subtractions are performed left to right: 1-2+3 = (1-2)+3 = 2.
    • Exponents are taken right to left: 2^3^4 = 2^(3^4) = 2^81 = a big number.
  • Use the "Preview Button" to see exactly how your entry looks. E.g. to tell the difference between 1+2/3+4 and [1+2]/[3+4] click the "Preview Button".
  • Do not use exclamation points to denote factorials. WeBWorK does not understand things like 3! -- use fact(3) to denote 3 factorial.

Mathematical Constants Available In WeBWorK

  • pi This gives 3.14159265358979, e.g. cos(pi) is -1. Do NOT write Pi or PI.
  • e This gives 2.71828182845905, e.g. ln(e*2) is 1 + ln(2).

Scientific Notation Available In WeBWorK

  • 2.1E2 gives 210
  • 2.1E-2 gives .021

Mathematical Functions Available In WeBWorK

abs( )
The absolute value
sqrt( )
The positive square root
cos( )
Note: cos( ) uses radian measure
sin( )
Note: sin( ) uses radian measure
tan( )
Note: tan( ) uses radian measure
sec( )
Note: sec( ) uses radian measure
exp( )
The same function as e^x
log( )
The natural log
ln( )
Another name for the natural log
logten( )
The log to the base 10
arcsin( )
sin-1 will not be accepted.
asin( )
Another name for arcsin
arccos( )
acos( )
Another name for arccos
arctan( )
atan( )
Another name for arctan
sinh( )
cosh( )
tanh( )
sech( )
sgn( )
The sign function, either -1, 0, or 1
step( )
The step function (0 if x < 0, 1 if x >=0)
fact( )
The factorial function (defined only for non negative integers)