The meeting includes a large number of short talks and posters by participants. (This part of the program will not be finalized until the participants have been selected.) In addition to that, there are a few plenary talks by senior researchers, as well as, by the recipient of the Tweedie New Researcher Award for 2012. To complete the schedule, there are discussion panels to guide young researchers in their academic careers. There is plenty of time for participants to mingle and network, which is an important part of the meeting.
Available online. (Click on each event to get more details.)
Plenary talks
- Jason Fine (UNC Chapel Hill)
- Yuval Peres (Microsoft Research)
- Jonathan Taylor (Stanford University)
- Bin Yu (UC Berkeley)
- Huixia (Judy) Wang (NCSU), 2012 Tweedie Award
Panel on publishing
- Peter Hall (University of Melbourne and UC Davis)
- Susan Paddock (Rand Corporation)
Panel on mentoring
- Jason Fine (UNC Chapel Hill)
- Marina Vannucci (Rice University)
- Ruth Williams (UCSD)
Panel on teaching
- Robert Gould (UCLA) [slides]
- Jason Schweinsberg (UCSD) [slides]
Panel on grant writing and funding
- Michelle Dunn (NIH)
- Nandini Kannan (NSF)
- Floyd "Ben" Cole III (NSA)
- Tim Hesterberg (Google)
Presentations by the participants
- Ariana Anderson (UCLA)
The Effects of Autocorrelated Noise and Biased HRF in fMRI Analysis Error Rates - Andreas Artemiou (Michigan Technological University)
Using machine learning algorithms in sufficient dimension reduction - Josephine Asafu-Adjei (Harvard School of Public Health)
Covariate Adjusted Classification Trees (COVACT) with Applications to Neuroscience - Candace Berrett (Brigham Young University)
Bayesian Space-Time Modeling of Sea Level Rise Along the US Coast - Mathieu Boudreault (University of Quebec in Montreal)
Multivariate integer-valued autoregressive models applied to earthquake counts - Jelena Bradic (UCSD)
Gaussian Oracle Inequalities for Non-Parametric Cox's Hazard Model - Hongyuan Cao (University
of Chicago)
Title of presentation (no math symbols): Some topics on multiple testing. - Kehui Chen (UC Davis)
Conditional distribution modeling for functional data with application to highway traffic monitoring and forecasting - Hyonho Chun (Purdue University)
Multiple Gaussian graphical models with joint sparsity and its application to pathway enrichment analysis - Z. John Daye (University of Arizona)
High-Dimensional Heteroscedastic Regression with Applications in eQTL Data Analysis - Bree Ettinger (Politecnico di Milano)
Spatial regression models over two-dimensional Riemannian manifolds - Yang Feng (Columbia University)
Likelihood Adaptive Modified Penalty and its properties - April Galyardt (University of Georgia)
Properties of Mixed Membership Distributions - Xiaoli Gao (Oakland University)
Estimation and Selection Properties of the LAD Fused Lasso Signal Approximator - Tanya Garcia (Texas A&M University)
Nonparametric estimation for censored mixture data with application to the Cooperative Huntington's Observational Research Trial - Ning Hao (University of Arizona)
Interaction Screening for Ultra-High Dimensional Data - Laura Hatfield (Harvard Medical School)
Bayesian learning in joint models for longitudinal and survival data - Haley Hedlin (UMass Amherst)
Estimation issues in modelling stimulus response from optical imaging data - Yijuan Hu (Emory University)
Accounting for Missing Data in eQTL Mapping - Jessie Jeng (North Carolina State University)
Simultaneous Discovery of Rare and Common Segment Variants - Yuan Jiang (Oregon State University)
Prior LASSO: Incorporating Prior Information into Variable Selection - Sungkyu Jung (University of Pittsburgh)
Backward Nested Spheres approaches for PCA of directional and shape data - Matthias Katzfuss (Universitat Heidelberg)
Bayesian Nonstationary Spatial Modeling for Very Large Datasets - Jian Kang (Emory University)
A Nonparametric Bayesian Spatial Point Process Approach to Neuroimaging Meta Analysis - Myung Hee Lee (Colorado State University)
HDLSS Discrimination with Adaptive Data Piling - Jing Lei (Carnegie Mellon University)
Distribution Free Prediction Sets - Feng-Chang Lin (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Parametric and Semiparametric extensions of stochastic models for earthquake sequences - Xin Liu (University of Minnesota)
Dynamic scheduling for stochastic networks in heavy traffic - Bronwyn Loong (Harvard University)
Multiple Imputation, Synthetic Data and Uncongeniality - Travis Loux (UC Santa Barbara)
Propensity-Biased Treatment Allocation in Trials with Staggered Entry - Xi Luo (Brown (University)
Covariance Matrix Estimation via Convex Optimization - Zongming Ma (University of Pennsylvania)
Adaptive confidence bands - Juan Carlos Martinez-Ovando (Banco de Mexico, Mexico)
Understanding price setting strategies through marked duration models - Tyler McCormick (University of Washington)
Latent space models for networks using Aggregated Relational Data - Layla Parast (Harvard University)
Landmark Estimation of Survival Incorporating Intermediate Event Information - Aleksey Polunchenko (University of Southern California)
State-of-the-Art in Sequential Change-Point Detection - Xingye Qiao (Binghamton University)
Flexible High-dimensional Classification Machines and Their Asymptotic Properties - Dominik Reinhold (Clark University)
Near Critical Catalyst Reactant Branching Processes with Controlled Immigration - Vivekananda Roy (Iowa State University)
Convergence rates for MCMC algorithms for a robust Bayesian binary regression model - Ali Shojaie (University of Washington)
Inferring Regulatory Networks by Integrating Perturbation Screens and Steady State Expression Profiles - Zhihua Su (University of Minnesota)
Envelope Models and Methods - Yan Sun (Utah State University)
A Normal hierarchical model and minimum contrast estimation for random intervals - Ying Sun (University of Chicago)
Functional Median Polish with Climate Applications - Min Tang (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute/Harvard School of Public Health)
Goodness of Fit Tests in Generalized Linear Mixed Models - Cristina Tone (University of Louisville)
Limit Theorems for Strictly Stationary Random Fields Satisfying an Interlaced Mixing Condition - Vincent Q. Vu (Ohio State University)
Sparse Principal Subspaces - HaiYing Wang (University of Missouri)
A new bounded log-linear regression model - Peng Wang (Bowling Green State University)
Conditional inference function for mixed-effects model for longitudinal data. - Peng Wei (University of Texas School of Public Health)
Bayesian Joint Modeling of Multiple Gene Networks and Diverse Genomic Data - Zheyang Wu (Worcester Polytechnic Institute)
Detection boundary and Higher Criticism approach for weak and sparse genetic effects - Yin Xia (University of Pennsylvania)
Two-Sample Covariance Matrix Testing and Support Recovery - Jichun Xie (Temple University)
Optimal Multiple Testing Procedure for Linear Models - Hanfang Yang (Renmin University)
Jackknife empirical likelihood inference for the ROC curvewith missing data - Xian Yu (University of Arkansas at Little Rock)
Change-Point Detection in SIR Epidemic Models with Application to Detection of Flu Epidemic - Lingsong Zhang (Purdue University)
Spatial Multiresolution Cluster Detection - Zhigen Zhao (Temple University)
Empirical Bayes Confidence Intervals for Selected Parameters - Jin Zhou (Harvard University)
Identify Rare Variants Underlying Complex Disease Through a Family-Based Association Design - Hong Zhu (Ohio State University)
Inference for bivariate survival data with interval sampling: test and association measure - Jian Zou (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis)
A Spatio-Temporal Bayesian Model for Syndromic Surveillance: Properties and Model Performance