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Tenth Algorithmic Number Theory Symposium ANTS-X
Registration for ANTS is open! Click here for the registration web site. (Note added July 1: it is possible to register on-site, but it is requested that you notify the organizers by Thursday, July 5 so that we can submit an accurate head count for the banquet.)
The registration fee includes all coffee breaks, a welcome reception on Monday, July 9, and the conference banquet (with cash bar) on Thursday, July 12 at the La Jolla Shores Hotel. Unlike in past years, no printed proceedings are included. Prices will be as follows.
Graduate students: $80 before
May 31June 8, $120 thereafter -
Everyone else: $160 before
May 31>June 8, $240 thereafter
Thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, we will be able to provide
some financial support for selected participants, primarily
graduate students and recent PhDs. For funded participants, we plan to
cover registration and housing (see below) in full, plus travel expenses
as funds permit.
If you wish to apply for funding, please choose one of the categories
"Standard (requesting funding)" or "Student (requesting funding)"
on the first page of the registration form.
Funding requests received by April 30May 18
will receive full consideration;
late applications will be considered as our remaining funds permit.
The registration process does not include housing except if you are applying for funding. See the accommodation page for more information.
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