Course: Math 31CH (Course Catalog)
Title: Honors Vector Calculus
Credit Hours: 4
Prerequisites: MATH 31BH with a grade of B– or better
Catalog Description: Third quarter of honors integrated linear algebra/multivariable calculus sequence for well-prepared students. Topics include: change of variables formula, integration of differential forms, exterior derivative, generalized Stoke’s theorem, conservative vector fields, potentials.
Text: Vector Calculus, Linear Algebra, and Differential Forms: A Unified Approach, by John H. Hubbard & Barbara Burke Hubbard. Matrix Editions; 5th edition (2015).
Grading: Your Math 31CH grade will be calculated according to the following table:
Component | Percentage |
Homework | 20% |
Midterm Exam 1 | 20% |
Midterm Exam 2 | 20% |
Final Exam | 40% |
After your average is calculated, letter grades will be assigned based on your performance according to the standard grade scale:
A+ | A | A- | B+ | B | B- | C+ | C | C- | D | F |
[97,100] | [93,97) | [90,93) | [87,90) | [83,87) | [80,83) | [77,80) | [73,77) | [70,73) | [60,70) | [0,60) |
Please notice that outside factors, including the need for a certain grade for admission/retention in any academic program, scholarship or transfer credit, graduation requirements or personal desire for a specific grade DO NOT appear in the above calculations, and thus are not considered in any way in the determination of your course grade. Effort, improvement, class attendance and participation will all dramatically improve your grade in the course in that they will allow you to do well on homework, exams, and the final exam. They will NOT, however, actively participate in the calculation of your course grade.
Grade Recording Errors: Keep all of your returned homework and exams. If there is any mistake in the recording of your scores, you will need the original assignment/exam in order for us to make a change.
Homework: There will be regular homework assignments posted in TritonEd. Late homework assignments will not be accepted. Accommodations will be made on homework only under extraordinary circumstances. Please understand that accepting late work in less extreme cases is unfair to other students.
Exams: There will be two 50-minute midterm exams (given in class) and a three hour final exam. See the course calendar for exact dates. Bring your student ID and pens/pencils with which to write. No books or notes are allowed. You may not use a calculator or other electronic device. Make sure to justify your answers (credit will not be given for "inspired" answers). Remember that part of each problem is to set it up and to arrive at the answer by a progression of logical steps. Write legibly and put your name and section number on your exam.
Make-up Exams: Make-up exams will not be given. However, if you miss a midterm exam because of extraordinary circumstances, such as a serious illness or family emergency, and document the circumstances, then you may substitute your final exam score for the missed exam.
Final Exam: It is your responsibility to ensure that you do not have a schedule conflict involving the final examination. You should not enroll in this class if you cannot sit for the final examination at its scheduled time.
Note: No student is allowed to take an exam early. If a student is entitled to accommodation, it will only be offered after the scheduled exam time and during normal Mathematics Department business hours (8:00 am to 4:30 pm).
Regrade Policy: This quarter, we are using Gradescope ( to facilitate exam grading. As a consequence, physical copies of the exams will not be returned to you. Instead, a digital version of your exams will be made available after the grading has been completed. Regrade requests will be handled using the regrade request facility built into GradeScope.
Academic Integrity: Academic dishonesty is considered a serious offense at UCSD. Students caught cheating will face an administrative sanction which may include suspension or expulsion from the university. It is in your best interest to maintain your academic integrity.
(Click here for more information about your rights and responsibilities as a student at UCSD.)
Note on Collaboration: You are allowed to discuss homework problems with other students. However, the work you turn in should be your own. Your homework solutions should be written by you alone and in your own words. Copying someone else's work—be it another student's or something you found online—and passing it off as your own is a serious violation of academic integrity.
Filing for a Incomplete: Sometimes it is not possible to complete all of the work in the course due to circumstances beyond your control. (Being unable to take the final exam because of accident or sickness, for example.) In such a case, it may be possible to file for an Incomplete grade. If an Incomplete is granted, you will be given the opportunity to complete the work during the next quarter. (All work must be completed before the end of Week 10 the following academic quarter.) In order to be eligible for an Incomplete, you must meet the following criteria:
- Your incomplete work must be due to circumstances beyond your control. (Sickness, accident, etc.)
- You must be able to verify the circumstances with official documentation.
- Your course work must be of "non-failing quality" (from the Academic Senate Regulations). If you missed a midterm exam, you are not eligible for an Incomplete grade.