Page limits:
- 12 pages
for regular papers,
- 8 pages
for short papers,
All submissions should follow the LNCS
LaTeX format.
Detailed Information:
A submission should start with the title of the
paper, each author's name, affiliation, and e-mail address, and a
one paragraph summary of the results. This should be followed by a
scholarly exposition of the ideas, techniques, and a full
description of the results achieved. A clear indication of the
motivation and comparison with prior or related work should be
The submission should not exceed its page limit,
excluding bibliography and appendices, on letter- size paper using
11 point or larger font, single spaced. Submissions that deviate
significantly from these guidelines or are unprintable risk
rejection without consideration of their merits.
The proceedings of the conference will be
published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer
Science series, and will be available for distribution at the
conference. Submissions should follow the LNCS format (for LNCS
templates, please refer to