The 29th SCGAS will be held at the Department of Mathematics of University of California at San Diego on Saturday, April 13, 2024 and Sunday, April 14, 2024. The lectures will be held in Natural Science Building Auditorium due to the campus event of Triton Day. For directions on how to get to Natural Science Building see map; And here are directions from the BW-Del Mar to the UCSD campus.
Registration starts at 10 am Saturday morning. The first talk will be at 11:00am and the last talk will finish at 12:30pm on Sunday, to allow for travel.
Graduate students, recent Ph.D.s and under-represented minorities are especially encouraged to join our annual seminar. Partial financial support is available.
The Seminar is supported by the NSF and by the School of Physical Sciences at UC San Diego.
Participants are asked to register online: the electronic registration form is now available. See here for the list of people already registered.
Although there is no registration fee we suggest donations in the amount of $20 towards helping cover the coffee, snacks and administrative costs.
The SCGAS will provide coffee on Sunday and small refreshments throughout the weekend for all participants.
For participants who are requesting reimbursement, please send your completed expenses form and receipts to Cassidy at Department of Mathematics, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093. Reimbursement is only guaranteed up to the amount specified in the email you received from the SCGAS, and only with valid receipts. If you have questions, please send an email to or
The 29th SCGAS is supported by a grant from the National Science Foundation and by School of Physical Sciences at UC San Diego. Most of the NSF funds will be allocated to graduate students, junior faculty members who do not have NSF or other grant or other forms of grants or school support, and members of under-represented groups.
For travel and hotel information please click here. When
you book your hotel make sure to
tell them that you are visiting the UCSD math department.
People interested in applying for travel funds should check the appropriate box in the electronic registration form. The deadline for sending in requests for travel support is March 15, 2024. Priority will be given to those who send their request for support before March 1, 2024.
Important note for J1 visa holders: Professors and research scholars may participate in occasional lectures and short-term consultations, if authorized to do so by their sponsor. Such lectures and consultations must be incidental to the exchange visitor's primary program activities. If wages or other remuneration are received by the exchange visitor for such activities, the exchange visitor must act as an independent contractor, as defined in 8 CFR 274a.1(j), and the relevant criteria and procedures must be satisfied. For example J-1 scholars coming from Yale to present a lecture at UCSD or attend a conference should receive a letter from Yale's International Center indicating that they are eligible to receive a reimbursement from UCSD. Such a request must be done BEFORE the event.
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