Chapter 38
Possibly Obsolete Command Descriptions

38.1 NCMakeGB Options -maybe obsolete


38.1.1 SupressCOutputFalse (less output to the screen )

Aliases: None
Description: SupressCOutput is an option of NCMakeGB. As one of the last arguments of NCMakeGB you may include either the rule SupressCOutputTrue or SupressCOutputFalse. If True is used, then the C++ code will decrease the amount of information it prints to the screen during the run of NCMakeGB. This option only effects the amount of information displayed to the screen. The default value is False. For example,NCMakeGB[aListOfPolynomials, iterations, SupressCOutputTrue]
Arguments: None
Comments / Limitations: Not available before NCAlgebra 1.2

38.1.2 SupressAllCOutputFalse (very little outp ut to the screen)

Aliases: None
Description: SupressAllCOutput is just like SupressCOutput, but when this option is on, even more on the display to the screen will be supressed.
Arguments: None
Comments / Limitations: Not available before NCAlgebra 1.2

38.1.3 NCContinueMakeGB[iterationNumber]

Aliases: None
Description: This command allows you to continue running NCMakeGB without resetting the starting relations. The command NCMakeGB[aList,n,ReturnRelationsToMma- > False] is equivalent to executing the command NCMakeGB[aList,k,ReturnRelationsToMma- > False] and then the command NCContinueMakeGB[n] (for any k n. The command NCMakeGB[aList,n] is equivalent to executing the command NCMakeGB[aList,k,ReturnRelationsToMma- > False] and then the command NCContinueMakeGB[n] and then WhatIsPartialGB[] for any k n.
Arguments: iterationNumber is an integer.
Comments / Limitations: Not available before NCAlgebra 1.2

38.2 Special GB related commands- may not work

38.3 Starting Relations

38.3.1 SortRelations[aListOfRules]

Aliases: None
Description: SortRelations[aListOfRules] sorts the list of rules aListOfRules. First, the sorting is done by the number of unknowns in each rule. For rules with the same number of unknowns, the one which is considered largest is the one which has a largest left hand side (in terms of the monomial order).
Arguments: aListOfRules is a list of rules.
Comments / Limitations:

38.3.2 SortMonomials[aListOfVariables]

Aliases: None
Description: SortMonomials[aListOfVariables] returns a sorted list of monomials in terms of the monomial order.
Arguments: aListOfVariables is a list of indeterminates.
Comments / Limitations:

38.4 Changing the default options for NCMakeGB

38.4.1 ChangeNCMakeGBOptions[option,value] — need to update description

Aliases: None
Description: When the C++ version of the code is loaded, the statement Options[NCMakeGB] := CleanUp-¿1,ReturnRelations-¿True,SupressCOutput-¿False; is found in the code. The content of this command is that CleanUpBasis in by default on, ReturnRelations is by default true and SupressCOutput is by default false. If one wants to change these defaults, then one can use the ChangeNCMakeGBOptions command. For example, ChangeNCMakeGBOptions[{CleanUp-¿1,ReturnRelations-¿False, SupressCOutput-¿False} changes the default behaviour so that ReturnRelations is false by default.
Arguments: ThreeRules is a list containing three rules. The left hand sides of these rules must be CleanUp, ReturnRelations and SupressCOutput
Comments / Limitations: