Jasper Moxuan Liu

    I am a third-year Ph.D. student in the math department at the University of California, San Diego. My advisor is Brendon Rhoades. My research is in algebraic combinatorics. Before coming to San Diego, I obtained the B.Sc in Mathematics at Brown University. My email address is mol008 (at) ucsd.edu. My CV is here.


    My research is in algebraic combinaorics, and I'm currently studying notions of locality and degree for statistics on the symmetric group, and generalizations to the colored permutation groups.
  1. [PDF] Viennot shadows and graded module structure in colored permutation groups (Submitted)
  2. [PDF] Involution Matrix Loci and Orbit Harmonics [with Yichen Ma, Brendon Rhoades, and Hai Zhu] (Submitted)


  1. Algebra and Combinatorics Seminar. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX, USA. November, 2024.
  2. Combinatorics Seminar. UC San Diego. San Diego, CA, USA. November, 2024.
  3. CombinaTexas. Texas A&M University. College Station, TX, USA. March, 2024.
  4. GSCC. Carnegie Mellon University. Pittsburgh, PA, USA. March, 2024.
  5. Directed Reading Program. Brown University. Providence, RI, USA. December, 2018.

Courses recently TA'd

  • (FA24) Math 3C Pre-calculus
  • (SP24) Math 109 Mathematical Reasoning
  • (WI24) Math 184 Enumerative Combinatorics
  • (FA23) Math 202A Applied Algebra
  • (FA23) Math 10C Calculus III
  • (SU23) Math 109 Mathematical Reasoning
  • (SP23) Math 154 Discrete Mathematics & Graph Theory
  • (WI23) Math 10A Calculus I
  • (FA22) Math 154 Discrete Mathematics & Graph Theory