Lutz Warnke

Lutz Warnke

Publications | Google Scholar | Teaching | Supervision | Organization | Talks | Contact

I am an Associate Professor of Mathematics at UC San Diego. I'm particularly interested in random graphs and processes, phase transitions, and combinatorial probability (as well as applications thereof to extremal combinatorics, Ramsey theory, and related areas). I am currently looking for new PhD students.

I completed my PhD at the University of Oxford in 2012 under the supervision of Oliver Riordan. Afterwards I was a elected junior research fellow at Peterhouse College, University of Cambridge. I subsequently received tenure at Georgia Institute of Technology.

I received in 2014 the Richard-Rado-Prize (German Mathematical Society), in 2016 the Dénes König Prize (SIAM), in 2018 a Sloan Research Fellowship, and in 2020 a NSF CAREER award.

Selected papers:

Online video lectures:


Supervision: PhD Students, Postdocs and Undergraduate Students



I received the Student Recognition of Excellence in Teaching: Class of 1934 Award in 2020, and the Class of 1940 Course Survey Effectiveness Award in 2018; I also was a Class of 1969 Teaching Fellow in 2018-2019.


Contact details