Math 184A Winter 2007
IMPORTANT LINKS: Schedule Homework Academic Integrity Old Exams
Help with math: reading math definitions "if ... then" and negation proofs
TEXT: Foundations of Combinatorics with Applications
by Bender and Williamson.
Available at the bookstore, or you can view,
download and print it.
GRADING AND EXAMS: Academic Integrity Guidelines for homework and exams
Late homework is not accepted.
25% |
homework |
due at Monday lectures (NO LATE HW)* |
25% |
midterm |
Fri. 2/9 at 9 AM in lecture room |
50% |
final exam |
Wed. 3/21 at 8 AM in CSB 004 |
*Due Wednesday when Monday is a holiday (1/15 and 2/19).
I did poorly on the midterm exam, but I did well on everything else. Does
this mess up my grade?
A: Probably not. When I assign
course grades, I try to take into account the fact that someone may have had a
bad day.
Q: Can I work with others on my homework?
A: Yes. BUT you should not be a scribe. Read Academic Integrity Guidelines for homework and
exams. If you have questions about this, ask me.
Q: I did well on my exams but had trouble
with homework because it takes me time to learn the material.
A: If you did the homework, but
did much poorer on it than on the exams, I'll make allowances.
Q: I did well on my exams, but never
bothered to do any homework. Does this mess up my grade?
A: Yes. The homework is 25% of
your grade.
Q: Can I be excused from homework ___
because of ___?
A: Homework is excused for reasons
similar to those which allow you to get an incomplete in a course; e.g. health
problems. The lowest homework (which is zero for a missing homework) is
Q: I didn't understand some material
in Section ___ at first, so I did poorly on that homework. What can I do?
A: The lowest homework grade is dropped.