This contains 2 versions of the program stosolve. It is designed to run entirely from within Mathematica, but if emacs is not available a different text editor will need to be used to edit the files "stoparams.c" and "stoparams2.c" while using the program. The first version is in directory /flow, which is mean to concentrate on looking at the flows, and stores the noise file so that you can try different initial conditions with the same noise. You simily need to open the mathematica notebook called stosolve.nb. The second version is in directory /noise, which allows you to try different noise data on the same differential equations. Simply open the mathematica notebook stosolve2.nb. Please read the conditions of use and acknowledgements which follow. David Glickenstein _Disclaimer and Acknowledgements_ The programming for this Mathematica module was developed through a generous contribution to the UCSD Mathematics Department from the GenCorp Foundation of Aerojet, a corporate donor committed to supporting educational improvement. It was written by David Glickenstein under the supervision of Ruth Williams at University of California, San Diego. The author disclaims any responsibility for problems experienced by users as a result of using this software. The software may not be distributed without written permission from the author. For more information contact: David Glickenstein or Ruth Williams glicken at: UCSD Mathematics Department 9500 Gilman Drive 0112 La Jolla, CA 92093-0112 The program uses C functions developed by by Jessica Gaines, while working at the University of Edinburgh, under the direction of Terry Lyons, and using funding provided by EC grant SC1*CT92-0784. The software is to be used for educational and academic research purposes only. Anyone interested in more information on these C functions should email or to write to Jessica Gaines University of Edinburgh Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics JCMB Kings Buildings Mayfield Road Edinburgh EH9 3JZ UK and then get original copies directly from Edinburgh themselves.