Error bounds for one-dimensional constrained Langevin approximations for nearly density dependent Markov chains


Continuous time Markov chains are frequently used to model the stochastic dynamics of (bio)chemical reaction networks. However, except in very special cases, they cannot be analysed exactly. Additionally, simulation can be computationally intensive. An approach to address these challenges is to consider a more tractable diffusion approximation. Leite and Williams (2019) proposed a reflected diffusion as an approximation for (bio)chemical reaction networks, which they called the Constrained Langevin Approximation (CLA) as it extends the usual Langevin approximation beyond the first time some chemical species becomes zero in number. Further explanation and examples of the CLA can be found in Anderson et al. (2019). In this paper, we extend the approximation of Leite and Williams to (nearly) density dependent Markov chains, as a first step to obtaining error estimates for the CLA, when the diffusion state space is one-dimensional and we provide a bound for the error in a strong approximation. We discuss some applications for chemical reaction networks and epidemic models, and illustrate these with examples. Our method of proof is designed to generalize to higher dimensions, provided there is a Lipschitz Skorokhod map defining the reflected diffusion process. The existence of such a Lipschitz map is an open problem in dimensions more than one.

Accepted for Advances in Applied Probability, September 2024. A pdf of a preprint is available here (for personal, scientific, non-commercial use only).