Presentation slides:

    Sam Buss
    Extending SAT Solvers with Extended Resolution
    Eduard Čech Lecture
    Institute of Mathematics, Czech Academic of Sciences
    April 17, 2024.

    Download talk slides.

Related papers:
1. DRAT and Propagation Redundancy Proofs Without New Variables (joint with N. Thapen).
2. Extended Resolution Learning Via Dual Implication Points (with J. Chung, V. Ganesh and A. Oliveras).

Abstract: Conflict-driven clause learning (CDCL) algorithms for Satisfiability (SAT Solvers) are surprisingly successful in solving large-scale problems, but are limited by the fact that they can generate only resolution refutations. Extended resolution, which allows the iterated introduction of new definitions, can be a much more powerful proof system. However, we lack good SAT solver heuristics for searching for extended resolution refutations. This talk will discuss progress towards the effective use of extended resolution. This includes DRAT proofs, propagation redundancy proofs, and recent work on dual implication points. The last is based on a novel method for analyzing conflict graphs to identify candidates for extension variables.
Parts of this talk are joint works with Neil Thapen and with Jonathan Chung, Vijay Ganesh, and Albert Oliveras.

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