3D Computer Graphics:
A Mathematical Introduction with OpenGL
Author: Samuel R. Buss
Table of Contents
List of chapters:
- Table of contents and front matter.
(Pagination has changed in the published version!)
- Chapter 1. Introduction.
- Chapter 2. Transformations and viewing.
- Chapter 3. Lighting, illumination and shading.
- Chapter 4. Averaging and interpolation.
- Chapter 5. Texture mapping.
- Chapter 6. Color.
- Chapter 7. Bézier curves and B-splines.
- Chapter 8. Ray tracing.
- Chapter 9. Intersection testing.
- Chapter 10. Radiosity.
- Chapter 11. Animation and kinematics.
- Appendix 1. Mathmatical background.
- Appendix 2. Ray Tracing software package documentation.
- End matter: Bibliography and index.
(Pagination has changed in the published version!)