The two inaugural lectures in this series will be:
Professor Robert Engle, New York University.
Dynamic Conditional Beta
Friday, October 21, 5-6.15 p.m., GH 242 (Galbraith Hall Auditorium).
Professor Catherine Constable,
Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
UC San Diego.
Earth's Magnetic Field: Random Reversals, Stochastic Models, and Physical Interpretations
Saturday, October 22, 1.45pm-3pm, York Hall Room 2722.
For abstracts of these lectures, click here.
Galbraith Hall and York Hall are located off Revelle Plaza in the south-west part of the UCSD campus. The nearest parking lot is P103. For more information about parking and directions to Galbraith Hall (which contains the Biocircuits Institute), click here. York Hall is just to the north-east of Galbraith Hall. A campus map is here. Another searchable campus map, and parking map, are available here.
To attend the lectures (one or both), registration is required.
Registration is free and is open to researchers who have an interest in the topic of the lectures and are affiliated with Universities or industrial or government research institutions.
This includes current postdocs and graduate students.
To register to attend just these lectures (one or both),
please click here.
For a related conference on Random Processes and Time Series: Theory and Applications, click here.