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Problem 27

Posted 06/01/2016
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This problem is proposed by Ran Pan. If you want to submit your problem, please click here.


This problem is about the number of linear partitions of lattice points in a triangle $T_n$. This problem is similar to Exercise V.

$T_2$ and $T_5$ are illustrated as follows. One could figure what $T_n$ looks like according to the examples.


A linear partition results from partitioning given points by a straight line into two nonempty parts. Note that the area/size of grid points are not taken into consideration.
An example of two different linear partitions of $T_5$ is pictured as follows.

Suppose $a(n)$ is the number of distinct linear partitions of $T_n$.

For example, $a(2)=3$.

Find $a(n)$.

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