UCSD Number Theory Seminar (Math 209)

Thursdays 2-3pm PST, APM 6402 and online

We will run a hybrid seminar this quarter, with talks simultaneously streamed over Zoom. The Zoom meeting code is 993 5967 5186; the password is the four-digit number of the meeting room.

Most talks will be preceded by a "pre-talk" meant for graduate students and postdocs, starting 40 minutes before the announced time for the main talk and lasting about 30 minutes.

Don't forget to register for Math 209 if you are a UCSD graduate student. Continued department financial support for this seminar is contingent on maintaining sufficient enrollment.

The organizers strive to ensure that all participants in this seminar enjoy a welcoming environment, conducive to the free expression and exchange of ideas. In particular, the pre-talks are meant to provide a safe space for junior researchers to ask questions of the speaker. All participants are expected to cooperate with this effort and encouraged to contact the organizers with any concerns.

To subscribe to our weekly seminar announcement, or to join the number theory group's Zulip discussion server for additional announcements, please contact the organizers. (Thanks to Zulip for providing Sponsored Cloud Hosting for this server.)

As of spring 2020, this site is dynamically generated from researchseminars.org, which see for other seminars worldwide (or for this seminar listed in your local timezone).

Fall Quarter 2024

For previous quarters' schedules, click here.

September 26

Organizational meeting