Here is the schedule of the talks.Thomas Bewley (UCSD) Michael Ferry (UCSD) Philip Gill (UCSD) Jeremy Greene (UCSD) Martin Harrison (UCSB) Bill Helton (UCSD) Igor Klep (UCSD) Shaowei Lin (UC Berkeley) Emre Mengi (UCSD) Jiawang Nie (UCSD) Chris Nelson (UCSD) Mihai Putinar (UCSB) Joey Reed (UCSD) Anna Shustrova (UCSD) Paul Tseng (Univ. Washington) Elizabeth Wong (UCSD) ......
The lectures will be held in the buliding APM 6402 (Applied Physics and Mathematics) from 10am to 5pm. A map of UCSD can be found here.
This one-day workshop is open to all who are interested in optimization. People who would like to atend please contact the organizers.
Nonlinear Optimization Polynomial Optimization Noncommutative Polynomials Semidefinite programming Sensor Network Localization
Orgainzers: Philip Gill (pgill AT Bill Helton (helton AT Jiawang Nie (njw AT Mailing address: UCSD Mathematics Department 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093 Phone number: (858)534-6015