Mozhgan Mirzaei
Department of Mathematics,
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I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Mathematics at UC San Diego. My adviser is Prof. Andrew Suk . My primary interests are Combinatorics, Combinatorial Number Theory, Discrete Geometry, and Graph Theory. I got my B.Sc degree in Mathematics from Sharif University of Technology under supevision of Prof. Ebadollah Mahmoodian .
Talks/Travel Schedule.
I am co-organizing the Graduate Student Combinatorics Conference from March 27-29, 2020 at UCSD.
Preprints and Publications
Y. Zhu, M. Mirzaei Ordinary differential equations (ODE): metric entropy and nonasymptotic theory for noisy function fitting, submitted.
M. Mirzaei, A. Suk, J. Verstraete (authors in alphabetical order), Constructions of point-line arrangements in the plane with large girth , submitted.
D. Anh, L. Ham, D. Koh, M. Mirzaei, H. Mojarrad, and T. Pham (authors in alphabetical order), Moderate Expanders over Rings, Journal of Number Theory, 218, pp.223-233, 2021.
M. Mirzaei, A. Suk (authors in alphabetical order), On grids in point-line arrangements in the plane , Discrete and Computational Geometry, 2020.
M. Mirzaei, A note on conditional expanders over prime fields, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 343, Issue 9, 2020.
M. Mirzaei, A. Suk (authors in alphabetical order), A positive fraction mutually avoiding sets theorem, Discrete Mathematics, Vol. 343, Issue 3, 2020.
D. Koh, M. Mirzaei, T. Pham, C. Shen (authors in alphabetical order), Exponential sum estimates over prime fields, International Journal of Number Theory, Vol. 16, No. 02, pp. 291-308, 2020.
M. Mirzaei, A. Suk (authors in alphabetical order), On grids in point-line arrangements in the plane, In Proceedings of the 35th International Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG 2019), Portland, USA, 2019. (Vol. 129, p. 50). Schloss DagstuhlLeibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik.
For the Winter 2020 Quarter, I will be TAing Math 187A (Introduction to Cryptography). My office hours are Tuesdays 10:00am-noon.
Besides math, I enjoy running, playing chess and painting.
Last updated: 02/20/2020