Conferences in arithmetic geometry
This is a new incarnation of my list of conferences in arithmetic geometry, now powered by Visit that site to see past listings or conferences in other areas of mathematics.
To add a new conference to this list, use the MathMeetings add page and include at least one of the subject tags "ag.algebraic-geometry" or "nt.number-theory". Note that MathMeetings now includes "Online" as a country code.
To see the code for this front end (or the MathMeetings back end), see the MathMeetings git repository.
In addition to MathMeetings and, some other conference lists that may be of interest:
- Johann Birnick's list: MathMeetings front end for number theory only.
- Number Theory Web conferences page: more number theory, less algebraic geometry.
- Ravi Vakil's conference page: more algebraic geometry, less number theory.
- Douglas West's conference page: combinatorics.
- commutative algebra.
- CStheory-Events: theoretical computer science.
- Sage wiki: Sage computer algebra development conferences (on various themes).
- IACR: cryptology.
- AMS Mathematics Calendar: general.
- SIAM calendar: SIAM conferences.
Reminder: unsolicited emails regarding conference accommodations are usually a scam. Only make travel arrangements with parties made known to you by the conference organizers.
- Lectures on selected areas in Pure Mathematics, December 21-31, Hanoi , Vietnam (lecture )
- Explicit methods in number theory, September 1-7, Oberwolfach, Germany (workshop)
- Algebraic Number Theory - A workshop for young researchers, September 2-6, Munich, Bavaria, Germany (conference)
- Combinatorics and Geometry in Ioannina, September 2-6, Ioannina, Greece (conference)
- MINT - Modern introduction to Number Theory, September 2-6, Pisa, Italy (summer school)
- XIV Annual International Conference of the Georgian Mathematical Union, September 2-7, Batumi, Georgia, Georgia (conference)
- Building Bridges: 6th EU/US Summer School and Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics (BB6), September 2-13, Marseilles, France (summer school and conference)
- Number Theory in the Americas 2, September 8-13, Oaxaca, Mexico (collaborative research workshop)
- Moduli spaces and Arithmetic, September 9-13, Nagoya, Japan (conference)
- Ramification in geometric Langlands and non-abelian Hodge theory, September 9-13, Heidelberg, Baden-Württemberg, Germany (workshop)
- Introduction to Number Theory and Algebraic Curves, September 9-20, Belgrade, Serbia (Summer school)
- 4th IMA Conference on Inverse Problems from Theory to Application, September 11-13, Bath, UK (conference)
- 4th IMA Conference on Inverse Problems from Theory to Application, September 11-13, Bath, UK (conference)
- Leuven Isogeny Days 5, September 11-13, Leuven, Belgium (workshop)
- Induction Course for New Lecturers in the Mathematical Sciences 2024, September 16-17, Cambridge, UK (conference)
- p-adic Geometry, September 16-20, Chicago, IL, USA (conference)
- ENTR24, September 18-20, Essen, Germany (workshop)
- Palmetto Number Theory Series (PANTS) XXXVIII, September 21-22, Winston-Salem, NC, USA (conference)
- New Advances in the Langlands Program: Geometry and Arithmetic, September 30-October 4, Oxford, UK (Clay Research Conference Workshop)
- Studierenden-Konferenz der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (StuKon) 2024, October 7-9, Ilmenau (Thüringen), Germany (conference)
- MaPhyAG Workshop: Integrability, geometry and QFT, October 7-11, Madrid, Spain (conference)
- Tropical Geometry: Moduli spaces and matroids, October 7-11, Frankfurt am Main, Germany (Workshop)
- p-adic cohomology and arithmetic geometry, October 21-25, Sendai, Japan (conference)
- Maple Conference 2024, October 24-25, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada (Virtual Conference)
- Binghamton University Graduate Combinatorics, Algebra, and Topology Conference (BUGCAT), 2024, October 26-27, Binghamton NewYork, USA (conference)
- The 7th Mediterranean International Conference of Pure & Applied Mathematics and Related Areas (MICOPAM 2024), October 26-29, Antalya, Turkey (Conference)
- Instructional workshop on rational points, November 4-8, Groningen, Netherlands (school for graduate students)
- Algebraic Geometry Northeastern Section, November 8-10, Hanover, NH, USA (conference)
- The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, November 10-13, Antalya, Turkey (conference)
- The 3rd International Conference on Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, November 10-13, Antalya, Turkey (conference)
- Western Algebraic Geometry Symposium, November 16-17, Tucson, AZ, USA (conference)
- p-adic geometry, November 18-22, Singapore, Singapore (instructional workshop)
- 2nd INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EVOLUTION IN PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (ICEPAM - 2024), November 20-22, Talwandi Sabo, Bathinda, Punjab, India (International Conference)
- Arithmetic, Geometry, Space and Time: a conference on the occasion of Minhyong Kim's 61st birthday, November 25-29, Edinburgh, UK (conference)
- Representations of p-adic Groups - application form for early career researchers, December 1-6, Oberwolfach, Germany (conference)
- Chromatic homotopy theory and p-adic geometry, December 2-6, Los Angeles, USA (workshop)
- Arithmetic and p-adic geometry in Chile, December 2-13, Santiago, Chile (summer school and conference)
- Motives and mapping class groups, January 27-31, Pasadena, CA, USA (conference)
- CIRM Thematic Month: Singularities, differential equations, and transcendence, January 27-February 28, Marseille, France (conferences)
- Arizona Winter School 2025: p-adic groups, March 8-12, Tucson, AZ, USA (graduate instructional conference)
- Geometric Approaches to the Local Langlands Program, March 10-13, College Park, Maryland, USA (Workshop)
- Analysis on homogeneous spaces and operator algebras, March 24-28, Paris, France (conference)
- Combinatorial Algebraic Geometry: Highlighting Underrepresented Genders, March 31-April 4, Frankfurt, Germany (Workshop)
- 5th IMA and OR Society Conference on Mathematics of Operational Research, April 30-May 2, Birmingham, UK (conference)
- Rowing Through Numbers, Celebrating Francesco Pappalardi's 60th birthday, May 18-21, Erbil/Kurdistan Region, Iraq (conference)
- NUMBER THEORY, QUANTUM CHAOS AND THEIR INTERFACES A conference in honor of Zeev Rudnick's 64 birthday, May 18-22, Tel Aviv, Israel (conference)
- Graduate student workshop on discrete groups in topology and algebraic geometry, June 9-13, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA (graduate student workshop)
- Discrete Groups in Topology and Algebraic Geometry, June 16-20, Notre Dame, Indiana, USA (conference)
- 4th IMA Conference on Dense Granular Flows, June 23-26, Cambridge, UK (conference)
- Algebraic Points on Curves, June 23-27, Providence, RI, USA (conference)
- IMA Mathematics Anxiety International conference, June 24-26, Cambridge, UK (conference)
- Journées Arithmétiques, June 30-July 4, Luxembourg, Luxembourg (conference)
- LMFDB, Computation, and Number Theory (LuCaNT 2025), July 7-11, Providence, RI, USA (conference)
- Summer Institute in Algebraic Geometry, July 14-August 1, Fort Collins, CO, USA (conference)
- Arithmetic cycles, Modular forms, and L-functions - A celebration of the mathematics of Henri Darmon on the occasion of his 60th birthday, August 18-22, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (conference)
- René 25, August 18-22, Punaauia, French Polynesia (conference)
- Special Year on Arithmetic Geometry, Hodge Theory, and O-minimality, September 1-April 30, Princeton, NJ, USA (thematic program)
- Universal Statistics in Number Theory, March 2-June 26, Montreal, QC, Canada (conference)
- International Congress of Mathematicians, July 23-30, Philadelphia, PA, USA (international congress)