J. D. Roberts, J. Sawon. Generalisations of Rozansky-Witten
For proceedings of Kyoto conference on quantum invariants, Sept. 2001
Also at: math.DG/0112210
J. D. Roberts. Asymptotics and 6j-symbols.
proceedings of Kyoto conference on quantum invariants,
Sept. 2001.
Also at: math.QA/0201177
J. D. Roberts. Unusual formulae for the Euler
To appear in Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications.
Also at: math.GT/0201178
J. D. Roberts. Irreducibility of some quantum representations of
mapping class groups.
To appear in proceedings of "Knots in
Hellas 98" (Delphi) conference.
Also at: math.QA/9909128
J. D. Roberts.
Classical 6j-symbols and the tetrahedron.
Geometry and
Topology 3 (1999), 21--66.
Also at: math-ph/9812013
and Geometry
and Topology
J. D. Roberts. Kirby calculus in manifolds with
Turkish J. Math. 21 (1997), 111--117.
MR: 99c:57045.
Also at: math.GT/9812086.
G. Masbaum, J. D. Roberts.
A simple proof of integrality of quantum invariants at prime roots
of unity.
Math. Proc. Cam. Phil. Soc. 121 (1997), 443--454.
MR: 98h:57037
J. D. Roberts.
Quantum invariants via skein theory.
Phd. Thesis, University of Cambridge (April 1994).
J. D. Roberts.
Refined state-sum invariants of 3- and 4-manifolds.
in Proc. 1993 Georgia topology conference
(ed. Will Kazez), AMS/IP (1997), 217--234.
MR: 98j:57031
G. Masbaum, J. D. Roberts.
On central extensions of mapping class groups.
Math. Annalen 302 (1995), 131--150.
MR: 96i:57013
J. D. Roberts.
Skein theory and Turaev-Viro invariants.
Topology 34 (1995), 771--787.
MR: 97g:57014
J. D. Roberts.
Skeins and mapping class groups.
Math. Proc. Cam. Phil.
Soc. 115 (1994), 53--77.
MR: 94m:57035
(Unfortunately that last one doesn't have diagrams in the postscript.)