Jor-el Briones

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About me

I am a fifth year mathematics PhD student at UCSD. My research revolves around adaptive finite element methods. I am indeed named after Jor-EL, the father of Superman in the DC comics universe.

Contact Information

Email: (jorel (dot) ucsd (at) gmail (dot) com)
Alternate E-mail: (jbriones (at) ucsd (dot) edu)
Text: (203) 714-0100
Office: Applied Physics and Mathematics (AP&M) 6446
Office hours: Monday 1PM-3PM, Wednesday 1PM-3PM, or by appointment (E-mail or text me if you need extra help or hours)
Calculus Lab Hours (AP&M B402): n/a
Computer Lab Hours (AP&M B432): Tuesday 1PM-5PM

Current Teaching Assignments:

Math 18, Lecture A, with Professor Guershon Harel (TA Summer Session 2, 2018)

Past Teaching Assignments:

Math 20B, Lecture A (Instructor Summer Session 2, 2017)
Math 20C, Lecture A (Instructor Summer Session 1, 2017)
CSE 30, Lecture A, with Professor Diba Mirza (TA Fall 2016)
Math 4C, Lecture A, with Professor Guershon Harel (TA Summer Session 2, 2015)
CSE 100, Lecture A, with Professor Diba Mirza and Christine Alvarado (TA Winter 2016)
CSE 30, Lecture A, with Professor Diba Mirza (TA Fall 2015)
Math 20C, Lecture A, with Professor Gautam Wilkins (TA Summer Session 2, 2015)
Math 20F, Lecture A, with Professor Guershon Harel (TA Summer Session 1, 2015)
CSE 100, Lecture A, with Professors Diba Mirza and Debashis Sahoo (Tutor Spring 2015)
Math 20C, Lecture D, with Professor Xingting Wang (TA Winter 2015)

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