A note for graduate students who wish to work with me.

If you are considering applying for graduate schools, you are encouraged to apply to our program. The Admission Committee will make decisions about all applications. There are many inquiries and I won't be able to answer every one of them. I do not take summer interns.

If you are already here at UCSD and wish to work with me, please contact me via email so that we can arrange to meet and have a chat.
We will talk about possible problems or possible ways to find a good problem for you.
If you obtain results, then you get yourself an advisor. (Nowadays, I often serve as a co-advisor.)
In the mean time, you are encouraged to talk to other faculty members.

I enjoy working with my graduate students and I spend a lot of time with them. However, such a mentorship is a very substantial and serious commitment. To all parties involved, it works better if decisions are carefully made with sufficient time and consideration. It is imperative that you come to talk to me BEFORE you reach your third year.

More on research and research collaboration.