Breaking The Vigenere Encryption System
We recall that a Caesar k-shift
is the circular permutation which replaces each letter of the alphabet
by the letter k places later (with wrap around). In Vigenere
encryption, the key consists of a period p and a sequence
k1,k2,...,kp of Caesar shifts. This given, the plaintext
is broken up into successive strings of p letters each and the
sth letter of each string is replaced by its image under
the Caesar ks-shift. This encryption system is vulnerable to
letter-frequency analysis. The letter frequencies observed in the sequence
of sth letters have the same distribution as the plaintext
letters only ks-shifted.
To break Vigenere encryption, one
guesses a period p and then, by comparing the histogram of observed
frequencies of sth letters to the histogram of English
letter probabilities, one is led to the correct value of ks.
A wrong guess for the period p leads to relatively flat histograms
for all or most of the values of s. The code breaker in this case
repeats the analysis with a new trial period.
The Applet below is programmed to
illustrate this codebreaking process.
- Upon pressing the Random Cyphertext button the
Applet will display some text which is Vigenere encrypted by a randomly
selected key.
- Press the Break button to start the process. The
Applet assumes (most often incorrectly) that p=1. Thus it proceeds
as if every letter of plaintext was encrypted by the same Caesar shift.
It displays (in red) the histogram of observed letter frequencies, alongside
a (blue) histogram of english letter probabilities. It also displays the
first 25 characters of your text, decoded according to your current keyword.
- Press the Period + several times (if
necessary) until the red histogram resembles a shifted version of the blue
histogram. This given, use the mouse to drag the red histogram to the position
where it best aproximates the blue histogram. You can also use the keyboard to type the image of "E". Pressing the SPACE key will shift the histogram by one position. The Applet stores the shift
corresponding to that position as a tentative value for k1.
- Push the Position Right button and the Applet
will display, again in red, the histogram giving the observed frequencies
of the 2nd letters of the successive strings. Drag the
red histogram to the best position as before to obtain the tentative of
k2. Repeat this process until you have tentatively determined
all the other ks.
- At this point you may press the Decrypt button.
The Applet will then decrypt the given cyphertext as if it was encrypted
by means of the values of k1,k2,...,kp you have just determined.
A look at the resulting text will make it clear if all of your guesses
were correct or which, if any, need to be changed.
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