Adam Bowers | Department of Mathematics | UC San Diego

Calc 1: Differential Calculus

Lecture 17: Computing the Derivative of an Inverse Function

Video 1: Derivatives of Inverse Functions

This video is primarily about computing the derivatives of the inverse trigonometric functions—or, at least, the inverse sine, inverse cosine, and inverse tangent trigonometric functions. (Keep your ears open for when I accidentally coin the term "tanverse". It was too funny for me to edit it out.) The primary tool we use is the chain rule. We end by giving the general rule for computing the derivative of an inverse function.

Video 2: Using Geometry to Differentiate an Inverse Function

Bonus Video! This is a bonus video where we derive the formula for the derivative of an inverse function without using calculus. Actually, we do it with calculus first, and then we do the same thing without calculus.